RT Moderation IS the best company for Image Moderation 7814630219

Image moderation a new technique to stop the adult content or false content on google. RT Moderation or you can say Real Time Image Moderation is the way to stop all these false activity which is active on social media, google and many other places. GOOGLE Contracts with those companies who works on image moderation. Every year google contracts with lots of companies who works in image moderation.Because google want to stop all these false activities. RT Moderation is one of them who contracts with GOOGLE to stop all these thing on WEB RT Moderation Launch this in Multi Level Marketing to stop all this and people can help google to remove all this adult or false content or image from the google data base RT Moderation generate revenue from this . Google pay money to contracters who works with them. RT Moderation Share this revenue with there members who dedicately work with them. If you want to become a proude member of this concept JOIN TODAY CAll AMAN +91-7814630219

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  • 03 May, 2015
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