These are screenshot of software and guidelines only because demo work cannot be send by mail bcoz it exceed then 25 mb.You will get a Data cd from me which include a software & scanned documents. After installing the software on your PC on the upper side there is original scan documents and text data which you have to edit on lower side as seen in attached screenshot of software. You have to follow the given instructions & do editing in lower text data. All work has to be done in given software. Total data will be 5 Mb which include approx. 1000-1200 pages. You have 40 days to complete this task. Minimum 3hrs are required per day as if you spend 5 minutes on a single page then you can complete your 35-40 pages in three hours to complete it within time. But if u have more time to spend then you can complete it in less days. Rs. 15000 is payout to complete this 5 Mb work with 99-100 accuracy, rest depend on your accuracy because five errors are allowed per page, after first five errors on a single page one more error will deduct your 0.2 accuracy and payment comes to lower level. Payment Levels are also given in attached document. Rs. 1650 you have to pay to get this work from me.PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL FOR MORE DETAILS AT 919780942088 or 919417123244ACCOUNT DETAILS FOR DEPOSITING MONEYAccount Details-RAKESH KUMARDetails till 070911 236 PM       Account Number     166810100008726 Currency      INR Account Type      SAVING BANK AC  Account Category Scheme Code     SBOGP  Account Status      Active Account  Account name      RAKESH KUMAR      IFSC CODE   ANDB0001668BRANCH-  LUDHIANA- MODEL TOWN EXTENSION PUNJAB     ORbank of indiaac no. -650010310000085     name - hans rajifsc - BKID0006500BRANCH - near clock tower, ludhiana,punjab..