Best Opportunity in Public Transport Service Total Revenue Model

Friends, the company has done the first big initiative with electric auto as well as solar energy, the start of sharing auto from 29-Jan-19 to Noida Noida. Friends, the company's goal is to run green public transport system in all the cities of up in the next 1 years. The Company's total focus is on the revenu model. Friends, if you want, you can also earn in your auto company and earn it every month as a rent with a year's agriment. Friends, you can take extra and 7 kind of inless by working with the company. ............................................................ Total 8 Types of Incomes 1-Rental Bonus 2-BoosterBonus 3-Working Bonus 4-Direct Referral Bonus 5-Royalty Bonus 6-Performance Bonus 7-Monthly Rewards 8-Special Bonanza 1-E-Auto Rental Bonus in 4 Packages for 12 months:- A. Rs. 11,000 /- Rs on rs. 1,430 /- will get the month. B. Rs. 33,000 /- Rs on rs. 4,290 /- will get the month. C. Rs. 64,000 /- Rs on rs. 9,280 /- will get the month. D. Rs. 1,11,000 /- Rs on rs. 17,760 /- will get the month. (NOTE :- you will get the fixed monthly rental of e-auto from 13 % to 16 % according to your package till the whole 1 years. After that, whoever will earn from that auto will be of the company) 2-Booster Income (For Next 12 Months) If you do 2 Sponsor (left & right) Within 8 days from your id then you will get 5 % (60 % in a year) of his referal matching, that too for 1 years. (NOTE :- you have to sponser 2 before your or more package) Example-1 :- you took the package of 1,11,000 /- and you refer the 2 ID of your same package in your left and right then you have rs. 1,11,000'S 5 % means rs. Total Rs for 5550*12 months. 66,600 /- extra will get that too for 1 years. 3-Working Bonus You will get extra 5-5 % every time of working income matching. Note :- the first income will be built on 2:1 or 1:2 but you can take referal income at 1:1 for countless times after that. 4-Direct Referral Income 4% The number of times you referral direct, you will get 4-4 % of her every time, so you can get extra income from unlimited % by more direct referal in this way. 5-Royalty Income (Upto 9% of C.T.O.) You will get royalty income on every month according to your rank until you are active in the system. This income is totally different in itself. Just need to make a good team. 6-Performance Bonus (Upto 30 Lac/PM) If you do 4 lakh business within 10 days of your date of activation then you will get fixed 4000 /- Monthly Salary income from next month but you or your team from next month only 1.2 Will keep doing the matching business of lakhs. 7-Rewards (10 Types of Rewards) for 30 days 5:5 Lac- Samsung Galaxy Tab A 7.0 10:10 Lake Apple Iphone 6 s 20:20 LAC-Honda Levar 30:30 Lac-Royal Enfield Bullet 350 50:50 Lake-Ford Figo / aspire because 80:80 LAC-Ford ecosport 1:1 Cr-Mahindra Scorpio 2:2 Cr- Toyota Innova Crysta 3:3 CR-TOYOTA FORTUNER 5:5 Cr-BMW X1 FOR DETAILS CALL 9643970008 For Joining whatsapp Group click on below link

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  • 30 March, 2019
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