When it comes to buying a perfect gift, the Thirty one is one of the leading Multi level marketing companies. It is a place where you can finds gifts for everyone at a best price. Founded in 2003, the company not only helps people in getting the right gifts but is also growing a network of entrepreneurs who join their team and sell the products.
At present, the company is known for its products across the globe. It caters to the consumers who are looking for perfect gifts. Thirty one is also expanding in many parts of the world and is serving in various countries. The organization claims to help the women in becoming self-dependent when they join the company as a distributor or the representative.
It follows Multi level marketing model and helps the distributors to properly strategize their sales along with increasing the consumers and sales. If you are also someone who is finding the perfect gift for your loved ones, you must check out the website of Thirty-one gifts now!
You can also become a distributor, simply by registering with the organization and the team will lead you further. Explore the website of Thirty-one gifts now and know more about the registration procedure as well as the products and services that company has to offer.
Company Images:
Registration Number: Not an Indian company
Pan Number:
Company Registration Number:
ISO number:
Company type: Direct Selling Company, MLM Company
Blog/Blog URL: NA
Category/Industry: Gifting and other accessories
MLM Business Plan: pending
Founded Date: 2003
Founder/Co-Founder/CEO/Director: Cindy Monroe
Headquarters: Ohio
Branches: Westerville, New Albany
Operating Status: Active
Company Product/Services: Travel accessories, bags, gifts
Company Revenue/Annual Turnover: $1.8B annually
Member Income Types: pending
No. of Employees: 1,818
Top Leaders: Camelle Kent - Chief Executive Officer
No of Members: pending
Location/Address: 8131 Smith's Mill Road New Albany, OH 43054-1183
Phone No: 614-414-4300
Email: [email protected]
Website URL: http://www.thirtyonegifts.com
Social media profile links:
Facebook URL/username: https://www.instagram.com/thirtyone/
Instagram URL/username: https://www.instagram.com/thirtyone/
Twitter URL/username: https://twitter.com/ThirtyOne/
LinkedIn URL/username: https://www.linkedin.com/company/thirty-one-gifts/s
Pinterest URL/username: https://in.pinterest.com/thirtyonegifts/pins/
Youtube URL/username: https://www.youtube.com/user/thirtyonegifts/