DEAR FRIENDS,SUCCESS DEPENDS ON SMART WORK, RIGHT DECISION, AND PLANNING.SMART WORK IS THAT WORK - WHICH DEMANDS LESS LABOUR, LESS TENSION, AND LESS EXPENDITURE.RIGHT DECISION INCLUDES- SELECTION OF RIGHT PLAN, SMART PLAN.PLANNING IS MUST FOR SUCCESS IN EVERY FIELD.IF U WANT A GREAT SUCCESS IN LIFE ... PLEASE VISIT ONCE..      httpwww.allhitdeals.com FIRST TIME , PERMANENT ESTABLISHMENT, FIRST DEALS SEARCH COMPANY IN INDIA. JOIN NOW. BEST & BRAND COMPANY AND EARN VERY FAST 100 LEGAL INDIAN COMPANY WITH PE Permanent Establishment MCA REGD.BBB.REGD. E-FAME ADSENSE PVT. LTD. JOINING 7000-MONTHLY INCOME 3100- 3100 X 12 37200-DIRECT REFERRAL 700-BINARY 700-DAILY CAPPING 17500-ANY TIME BANK REQUEST BANK TRANSFER WITHIN TWO OR THREE DAYSATTRACTIVE REWARDS ,DIRECT CALL FOR MORE HELP AND POWER TEAM,FIRST COMES FIRST  BUSINESS CONCEPT-We know that companies invest crore of rupees on advertisement through TV channels, News papers, Radio, FM, Hoarding, Banners, These advertisement helps in promoting the productsservices to consumers, We as a consumer watch advertisement of these companies and buy their productsservices Now a days INTERNET is a revolution and companies are promoting and selling their productsservices through internet like on facebook, orkut, youtube etc. bcoz most of the people are using internet today for personal as well as business purpose.Advertisement through internet channel is called ONLINE MARKETING, our company deals in online marketing.BENEFITS OF ONLINE MARKETING?1-customer gets variety of productsservices worldwide which is not available on local market.2-customers get discount on price and home delivery of products, which makes shopping easy.INCOME PLAN-MonthlyOnce you become a member of company. Company sends you advertisement links of various companies on your user id, Company sends 11 advertisements links daily on your user id.you as a customer has to log-in to your account at www.allhitdeals.com and then you have to click on those advertisement.A-PAY PER CLICK INCOME-Company pays you Rs 7.56 per click. Your daily clicks are 11, so your daily income would be 11x 7.5684 Rs approx, hence your monthly income goes to 84x302500 Rs. B-LOG-IN BONUS-Company pays you Rs 50 on every time you log in to your account subject to maximum Rs 150 per week hence your monthly income will be 150 x 4600 rs.Your total monthly income is 25006003100 Rs.Three thousand one hundred onlyINCOME PLAN-Unlimited-Apart from monthly guaranteed income company pays you following unlimited income-A-Direct Referral Commission -company pays you Rs 700 on every member joined by you directly by your user id. B-Team Building Commission &ndash Company pays you Rs 700 on every pair made by you or by your downline, for this you need to make 1 joining on left and 1 joining on right side.C-Rewards,-Company circulates many rewards schemes time to time for their members like foreign tour, gifts etc. UP-COMING FEATURES-1-Company is planning to launch its own Micro social networking site like Twitter.2-Company is working on local advertisement facility Narrow casting, Opinion polls.3-Online shopping facility by your own rewards points.4-Re-purchase income on shopping made by your down line.WHY TO JOIN ALL HIT DEALS?1-A registered Indian company with complete legal formalities.2-No time boundation, you have to just spend your 10-15 minutes daily or 1 hours weekly as per your own comfort.3-you can do it from home, office, cybercafé on part time basis.4-No specific education is required to do it. 5-Monthly fixed income of Rs 3100 per user id.6-No physical work or sales involved. .just do it as you do face book and orkut.7-Unlimited binary and sponsorship income to fulfill your dreams in short period. FOR MORE DETAIL PLS CALL U can Contact directly to the head officeHead OfficeAllHitDeals.com, 167, Rajendra Place,  Rajendra Bhawan, New Delhi - 110008Email infoallhitdeals.com  Ph 011-45610550M 09818075533    M 09818565533 Customer Care Reshma - 9818695533Kanika - 9818735533Pavneet - 9717545533Nisha - 9717595533 Bank Details  ICICI BankAc Number 629105046135Ac Name E-Fame Adsense Pvt. Ltd.IFSC Code ICIC0006291Branch ICICI Bank, DB Gupta Road BranchICICI BankAc Number 163905000076Ac Name E-Fame Adsense Pvt. Ltd.IFSC Code ICIC0001639Branch ICICI Bank, Dwarka Sector-11 BranchAxis BankAc Number 911020062274527Ac Name E-Fame Adsense Pvt. Ltd.IFSC Code UTIB0000739Branch Axis Bank, DB Gupta Road BranchIDBI BankAc Number 0550102000011927Ac Name E-Fame Adsense Pvt. Ltd.IFSC Code IBKL0000550Branch IDBI Bank, DB Gupta Road Branch  www.allhitdeals.comFOR MORE DETAIL PLS CALL A K JHA ON 9897248339 EMAIL- jha.akjhagmail.com 

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