Distribution PlanTo register with Vardaan UniTrade India Pvt. Ltd you have to pay Rs 1000- as registration fee.On investment of min. Rs 10,000- you are eligible for sharing our trade profit for 20 months. Note Rs. 10,000 1 Channel PointBenefitsOn Rs 1000- registration you get - Channel partnership ID On investment of min. Rs 10,000- you are eligible for sharing our trade profit upto 15monthly for 20 months.CLUB INCOME-Silver ClubFor achieving silver club 10 direct distributor needs to be appointed and 2 would be paid of there investment for life time plus.Gold ClubFor achieving Gold club 15 direct distributor needs to be appointed and 1 would be paid of there investment for life time plus.Diamond ClubFor achieving Diamond club 25 direct distributor needs to be appointed and 1 would be paid of there investment for life time plus.Crown ClubFor achieving Crown club 51 direct distributor needs to be appointed and 1 would be paid of there investment for life time plus.See Details plan kindly visithttpvardaanunitradeindia.blogspot.inpbusiness-plan.htmlMORE INFORMATION KINDLY VISIThttpvardaantradeindia.comRegister.aspxTHEN LOGIN WITH ID NO vti155 passward123456

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