Syntek Global India Pvt Ltd

  Get paid 50000 PM when People Fill the Petrol & Diesel.Regardless of financial situation or occupation, and regardless of the cost, peopleMUST BUY THE FUELThe pain of high rising fuel prices can be a great opportunity.Opportunity ofSyntek Global InternationalUSAXtreme Fuel Treatment&trade&bull Based on Nobel Prize winning chemistry.&bull Sold for over 23yeras in the industrial market to large corporations in 55-gallon drums.&bull Recently re-packaged in smaller amounts and released to the general public.&bull Multi-patented.&bull Technology developed for NASA.&bull Received EcoVisionary Award 2011.We process the credit card payment, ship the products, and even handle customer service.Your part By partnering with Syntek Global, you can personally provide a way to ease that pain.You have the tools to save people a good amount of money on their vehicle expenses and give much the opportunity to make extra money we all need.Also save up thousands of dollars for a company or business that partnership with Syntek Global.In fact, people actually make money just by using XFT. It&rsquos simple to become a Distributor, or Customer.It takes about 20 minutes, and by the time you are done you will have everything you need to start earning income with Syntek Global.We create your website for you, we take the orders.You just spread the word about this amazing product and send people to your website to purchase the products and start earning money.Or become a Customer of Syntek Global by log-in with your company or business and keep purchasing XFT product for your business, company, machinery and start saving money.As a Syntek Global distributor, you will earn money every time someone makes a purchase.But it goes beyond just earning a sales commission.Syntek Global gives you the ability to grow a sales team and earn an override on all sales from people in your team.As your team grows, so will your paycheck.Syntek Global pays our Distributors in many different ways, including Direct Sales Commissions, Team Sales Commissions, Check Matching Commissions, and a number of other incredible bonuses. If you can see the potential, and you are personally driven, we would love to have you as a part of our Syntek family All of our sales and team growth happens through one of our Syntek Distributors.If you are already in contact with one of our Distributors, you can contact that person for more information, or to join the team.If you are not already in contact with a distributor, kindly get in contact with the info below.Mr Prabhaker.s.NetaSyntek Global InternationalUSAM.NO09247827613Email ID syntek4ugmail.comWeb Site We have thousands of people in INDIA starting to change their lives with Syntek Global and now it is your time to become the Distributor of SyntekGlobalAppointing Distributors all over India.IF YOU WISH TO SAVE MONEY ON FUEL BY ALL MEANS.IF NOT CONTINUE TO WASTE MORE MONEY      

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