NEW SINGLE LEG PLAN *Launch 1st June 2018* *Top Position ID booking* *(100 ID ke under)* *more details* *MD call 8208614030* 100% Legal Plan PACKAGE ????? 500/- ?? Single leg Plan ????? ?? ?????? ?? 4 Tipe of Income Single leg income ------------------------------------------------- Level-----team-----earnings-----Direct 1----------15----------150------------0 2----------30----------180------------0 3----------60----------300------------0 4----------120-------- 360------------1 5----------240---------720------------1 6----------480---------1440----------2 7----------960---------2880----------2 8----------1920--------5760---------3 9----------3840-------11520---------3 10-------- 7680-------23040--------4 11---------15360-----46080--------4 12---------30720-----92160--------5 ------------------------------------------------ Total Earnings : 1,84,590 ------------------------------------------------ Direct Income Per direct income 50 - after your 3 direct Royalty Income > 27 Id per 3% > 81 Id per 5% > 243 Id per 10 % Franchise Income > 10 pin per 10% > 25 pin per 12% > 50 pin per 15% Call/Whatsapp 8208614030 Sponsor Id : 101 Payment Mode 1 -Daily Bank Transfer withdrawal 6am - 8am and 6pm - 7 pm Minimum Withdrawal bank 500/-