I wish to introduce a simple business opportunity based on MLM to take advantage of the ECommerce boom. As you know increasingly transactions like purchases, payments etc., happen online through popular ecommerce vendors. If you become a franchisee of TRENDZDIRECT.IN you can reap the benefits of cash back every time you or your downlines and associates carry out a ecommerce transaction whether it is purchase or your bill payment. The transaction you propose to carry out is the same except that you will log in with your user id and password through the company's portal at www.trendzdirect.in. There is huge income potential. Trendzdirect is part of Rs 3500 crore company operating from 2008. You can register yourself in the portal www.trendzdirect.in using my sponsor id which is PRASADVV. The form is simple and self explanatory. There is no joining fee If you are interested and need further details you may call me on 9840379959 or write to me at [email protected] upon which I can send you some presentations and more info including business plans. V.V.PRASAD 9840379959 CHENNAI