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refferal marketing

 Hi, Let Me Introduce myself.... I am sumit singh and I represent UNITED CAPITAL CLUB,United Capital Club is a registered social club, touching new heightsand committed to provide the best services for Tourism, MedicalTourism, Education Tourism and other coming social activities.We operate an affiliate marketing model and are having a successfulrun across the Globe now.... We operate an affiliate marketing model and are having a successfulrun across the Globe now.... Also, UNITED CAPITAL CLUB wants to transform the cherished dreams of everyoneinto reality by providing them with an opportunity where they can workfor the people of the Nation and Earn Good Money for themselves andFamilies Can See Click here for complete online recorded To you as an individual, it can help you with an additional secondSource of income by being a part of this revolution and spreading theMessage around.... It offers partfull time internet based business opportunity. Andanyone who wants to make big money can join this Business. There is no big qualification requiredThere is no bossYou can work whenever you likeVery High earning potentialAll payments are on weekly basisYou can do this business along with your regular jobbusiness.People are earning 1 lakh on weekly basis from this businessInternet Based BusinessGlobal business opportunity So if you have 12-15 hours in a week and want to utilize that time inearning big money and want to Make a difference to your bank balance ,you can contact for consultation Appointment Fixation with me or mybusiness partners . Meeting Schedule- Time- 11.00 AMVenue- Plot No.- 155, Niti Khand-1, Indrapuram, Gzb If you want to change your life and become financially independent canreply with following details-Your NameContact No.EmailCity Cheerssumit singh9555119476,9268492376tour operatorUNITED CAPITAL CLUB UCC, Plot No.- 155, Niti Khand-1, Indrapuram, Gzb, UP Someone asking that how to start the work then send this template How to work   Firstcapital club provides you potential contacts and leads for business generation. You have to send preperson will try to know detail about the tour package and you have to solve the query of them andevery problem if you have any. AS example you sent the mail to 1000 id's and only 10 took interest in your proposal and in this 10 person only 2 will purchase a tour package from you then you can earn 50,000 on each package ,if cost is 1.25 lacs . Most of associates are earning more than it in just a week only.   Thattrained them and try to generate good result and in month end you will earn according to the performance of your team.As example suppose your recruited team earn 5 lacs in a calendar month then you will receive 50,000 as team leader without any hard work.   There is lot of option to earn in United Capital Club but you must be the part of our Global organization.   Opportunity never ends in UCC    One more thing that this is first come first serve offer so book your place soon. More than 4,500associates will help you to earn a lot. You have one more choice Regards sumit singh FOR TEAM UCC155-FF, Niti Khand-1,Indirapuram ,Ghaziabad,UP 201014 YouTube - Videos from this email     

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