PEARLVINE INTERNATIONAL JOINING AMOUNT ONLY 30 DOLLARS ( 2,250 RUPEES) is Not A Company, it has No CMD, MD, NO Admin Section, No Account Section, No Employees, No Franchise, and No Office. IT IS A SECURED SOFTWARE. There is no one owner of this group, nor is it any branch any where in the world. Every person becomes his companion who joins it. Based on your team and Mynt purchase, the software automatically determines its dividend and provides your dividend immediately. It works by a special type of software that is the world's finest, fast and unique creation. It is designed in such a way that as long as the internet remains in the world, this software will continue to work. The data contained in it is completely secured and hidden. No external power can have any control over it. The data of its registered users can not be viewed in any way. Only the user can see his data. A lot of work has been done to protect the PEARLVINE.COM. Its sever has been given multi layer security, so it is completely secured. To Join Please contact SHAIK PASHA 09177366742 For Join plz click the below link