OpportunitiesCONCEPT BEHIND &ldquoDO HELP GET HELP&rdquo?The concept behind &ldquoDo Help Get Help&rdquo is nothing but a completely Social AID Financial Community System. It is neither an organization nor a company. It is a social community of like-minded people. It does not provide any financial services. All transactions that occur in &ldquoDo Help Get Help Community&rdquo are in confidence between participants without any promises or any kind of guarantees. Participants of this social community share money with each other voluntarily with their own wish and belief.We all know that love and friendship cannot be controlled by laws or any kind of regulations. The same way trust in the financial relations between the participants of this community does not follow the laws for any financial institutions.OUR BELIEFTogether We CAN, Together We WIN&hellipOUR MOTTOTit for Tat i.e. today you DO HELP, tomorrow you will GET HELPHOW DOES IT WORK?By strictly following advices, rules and regulations, the participants of &ldquoDo Help Get Community&rdquo will be able to achieve benefits up to 300, or even more than that monthly. The System consists of two main functions DO HELP and GET HELP. The moment you register, it is understand that you agree to transfer the committed amount as a gift HELP to another participant of this community as per your wish and convenience.COMMITMENT AND BENEFIT AMOUNT TABLECommitment AmountFirst BenefitSecond BenefitThird BenefitTotal Benefit10th Days20th Day30th Day5000.005000.005000.005000.0015000.0010000.0010000.0010000.0010000.0030000.0025000.0025000.0025000.0025000.0075000.0050000.0050000.0050000.0050000.00150000.00Transactions are allowed in INR OnlyDISCLAIMER This is a completely Social AID Community, DO NOT commit what you CAN NOT afford to fulfill.Note As per the System, a participant MUST fulfill their commitment WITHIN 10 DAYS. The money transfer must be made from his personal account to the account of another participant. In case the participant refuses to transfer the money as per the System&rsquos request, this particular participant will be AUTOMATICALLY removed from the System.BONUSESThere are basically THREE Types of Bonus.Referral BonusLevel BonusManagerial Bonus1. Referral Bonus Referral Bonus is a bonus that a participant as well as a manager will receive for each new participant heshe introduces to the System. Referral Bonus is 10 on the New Deposit.2. Level BonusLevel Bonus is a bonus that is occur by team efforts. There are certain levels in this system as below1st Level - 52nd Level - 43rd Level - 34th Level - 25th Level - 16th Level onward 0.5 up to unlimited levels 3. Managerial BonusManager bonus is a bonus given to the managers in appreciation for the work with their participants. This includes the development of hisher structure, organization of conferences, travel expenses, advertising, and communication, Internet etc.Designation &ndash Senior ManagerQualification &ndash Minimum 10 Referrals, Team Collection &ndash Minimum 2500000.00Benefit &ndash 5 of the team workDesignation &ndash General ManagerQualification &ndash Minimum 5 Manager under hisher teamCollection - Minimum 10000000.00Benefit &ndash 3 of the team workNote Managerial Bonus is distributed on differential basis.httpdohelpgethelp.comSPONCER ID-7748694