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New World Hit Get your Position Fast

Dear Marketers,To Leaders and not Leaders.I want to share with all of you this great new program.Joining Stiforp has been a great venture for me.What separates STIFORP from EVERY other company in the industry?1. NO COMPETITION - With tools that EVERY Network Marketer MUST HAVE to stay competitive in the industry for just 9.95 per month, we are not competing with your current network marketing program. We are helping you BUILD IT2. HUGE COMPENSATION PROGRAM - With EVERY Network Marketer in the industry soon being a member of STIFORP, our compensation plan allows you to earn up to 2,047.50 per month without ever enrolling a single personNow...the powerline shows you how FAST the company is growing because with this Pay Plan, everyone only has 2 front line positions in this fast filling company forced 2×14 Matrix and once when those two spots are filled, the ONLY place for everyone else to go is UNDER the ones who are already in there.Don't think you have to enroll a 100 people to make fact, you can max out the Pay Plan with just TWO personally enrolled people. The point is, those leaders have only TWO front line positions and what that means to you is ALL of those other people are falling under EVERYBODY ELSE who is already in the matrix. So, all the people you see under you in the powerline now, is NOTHING. will go into the matrix before all of those people, which is great, but that is NOT what is excitingTake a tour at and lock your position as soon as possible.You don't even have to enroll a single person to make money up to 2047.50 with this system, remember the PowerLine? Your matrix will become complete with the people under you.Payments are done every Wednesday.Join today www.123net.stiforpprofits.comPLUS STIFORP GIVES YOU THE TOOLS TO SUCEEDSTIFORP has tools that every network marketer must have to stay competitive in the industry.And does not compete with your current network marketing program. It helps you build it.This is a generic marketing system which means you can market any business to anyone with a income stream attached to it.It comes withLanding pagesVideo spokesperson on your siteInteractive flash movie presentationLead capture pagesAutoresponderBusiness ContactsTraffic RotatorBanner AdsConference call bridgecompensation plan..and much more...You have everything you need to make money.You have a great program with a great money maker system.You have the tools to make it hapen.If you don't have time, don't worry, remember the PowerLine.Take the tour and join us at httpwww.123net.stiforpprofits.comAll you have to do is to lock your position at

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