Nanobiz International Korea

Join me with A Korean nanotechnology based direct selling product company running from last 10years in 190 countries launched in India with 6 products.Nano energiser, Nanobiz, nanofreedom, nano hair spray and nano coatit... Company provides big flexibility of around 40 joining packages ranging from 2780/= to 27600/= depends upon o es choice . Income is of four types. 1. Binary @ 1BV:1BV = 10/= 2. Repurchase not compulsory, but up to unlimited levels @2%, but for level 1 is 20% , level 2 is 15% ,level 3, 4, 5 up to 20 is 12%,10%,8% .....And so on and up to unlimited levels after 20th level @ 2%. 3. Rewardson the basis of club points achieved: Club points as per joining package ranging g from .5 club points to 2 club points as per the package selected/ purchase. 1st reward of 10 club points pair is tool kit plus Holden pen. 2nd....80 club point pair is bike+tablet or 50000/ = cash 3.....300 club point pair is alto/kwid or 3lakh cash 4......1600 club point pair is Scorpio or 10 lakh cash 5.....3000 club points pair is BMW or 30 lakh cash 6.....7500 club points pair is Villa or 60lakh cash and 7.....1000 club points pair is 1 crore cash... No time out, no condition.... So join me on cal/ WhatsApp on 7298506284

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  • 22 October, 2017
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