NEW IDEA, NEW COMPANY, NEW CONCEPT, BIG THINK... "VIACOM GLOBAL" NOW IN MLM CONCEPTWWW.VIACOMGLOBAL.COM HURRY UP BOOK TOP ID CONT- sanjeev -919876972273BUSSINESS PLAN-What business idea is right for you? The best business for you is one you love and to which you are prepared to make a major commitment.We offer you one of the strongest and best business plans in the industry with a mean to earn weekly income, in simple one line, world class package which is the world&rsquos best business plan in network marketing. Secured plan on products & service base registration Weekly payout. Three types of income Rewards and bonuses You get good return of your efforts. Registration starts at USD 4Registration and Package Registration is USD 4. Registration will not start your income. Require to give another USD 40 to enroll for premium package. Premium package will remain valid for 11Weeks from day of enrollment for premium package. Your premium package needs to be renewed by paying USD 40.Direct IncomeYou get paid direct income up to 1 level for unlimited members. Direct income is USD 4 per member.Binary Income1st pair 12 and 21 and then it starts as 11 and Per Day Capping is 75 Pairs. Binary income closing 1 to 15 and 16 to 30 or 31,Binary Closing will be daily basis, Wallets will be released monthly on every 1st and 16thAs long as your direct keeps earning binary income, you shall be making the above said money, which can be very good if your directs are quiet strong recruiters and networks.Advertisement IncomeEvery week you will get a panel of advertisements worth USD 8 for 11Weeks Pictorial RepresentationJoining package PACKAGE NAME PRODUCTS AMOUNT Registration Package Only to register, will not earn USD 4 Premium Package Membership, a getaway for earining USD 40 Binary incomeThe most powerful aspect of Viacom promotional plan is the binary income.Initially two front members are required for the members to start earning.Now as these two members add members under your reference and you become eligible to earn binary income.Rewards S.No PAIR REWARDS TIME LIMIT 1 Match 100  pairs USD 200 4weeks from the date of Joining 2 Match 500  Pairs USD 1000 4weeks from the date of Joining 3 Match 1000 Pairs USD 2000 4weeks from the date of Joining 4  Match 2500 Pairs USD 6000 11weeks from the date of Joining 5 Match 5000 Pairs USD 16000 11weeks from the date of Joining 6 Match 10000 Pairs USD40,000 OR Mercedes  Benz  Base Model 11weeks from the date of Joining NOTE -Rewards will be given to highest achievers in their respective stages of 4 & 11 WeeksAll rewards will be processed by 4weeks from the date of Request    Terms and Conditions From the date of Joining, If Member don&rsquot View 4 Advertisements consistently, Member is not eligible for Add Income and Member will get back USD40 after 11 Weeks One Person can take Maximum 15 ID&rsquos in each Name Maximum Binary Earning per day is USD300 After Two Direct, Spillover should be placed extreme right or extreme left Two Direct referral is compulsory for eligibility to binary Income Payment Request date will be on 7th and 22nd of every Month Wallet will be generated after deducting 5 Service Charge TDS will be deducted as applicable Advertisement should be viewed between Monday to Saturday and Advertisement Income Wallet will be generated by following Monday Minimum Eligibility for Payment Request is USD12 All Payments and Credits within 7 working days of Request After 11th Week, Reactivation PIN ID&rsquos will get Further Advertisements for 10Weeks  

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