WWW.MMM-SINGLE-LEG.COM  JOIN  COPY AND PASTE  THIS LINK-  ?1 , 2 3 , 4 5000 , 5000 500005 , 500 , , 6 , Speakasia , Nmart , MMM India , Single Legwww.mmm-single-leg.comMMM Single Legwww.mmm-single-leg.comMMM singleleg Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox MMM is not a bank. It is not a business or some kind of investment or MLM program. MMM doesn't collect or resume any money. And this is the core point MMM is a free mind community, where people are learONLY 1 SPONSER GET 20000 MONTHLY ONLY 10 SPONSER GET 40000 MONTHLY WITH GIVE HELP ONLY AUTO LEG GIVES YOU MAVRO . JOIN MY REFRAL LINK AND SEE INCREESE YOUR DOWN LINE BUT 1 SPONSER NESSESARY FOR COLLECT MARVO link start after 20 days your joining copy and paste 10 &ndash , , , - , , , ,&ldquoMMM&rdquo - - 1 SINGLE LEG INCOME 2 5000- - 3 - 4 - 10 20 - TOP POSITION - click any link or copy paste 09927116509 &ldquoFAQ&rdquo Subject &ndash Registration Process Que. Give me the details of the steps of Registration Process. Ans. A new participant can register himhe self by adopting two ways - 1. By Using directly the referral-link of the Sponsor. 2. By login the Id panel of the sponsor and then clicking on &ldquoADD NEW PARTICIPANT&rdquo in My Page.   -   - -   "MY PAGE" "ADD NEW PARTICIPANT" Que. What are the steps in of registration with the referral-link? Ans. Steps &ndash 1 Click on the Sponsor&rsquos Referral-Link. 2 Click on &ldquoRegistration MMM&rdquo in the opened page. 3 Fulfill the Datas in the opened Registration Form.  - ? - STEPS - 1 -   2 "Registration MMM"   3 Que. What are the steps in of registration with the &ldquoADD NEW PARTICIPANT&rdquo? Ans.Steps &ndash 1 Click on the &ldquoADD NEW PARTICIPANT&rdquo in the Sponsor&rsquos Id panel. 2 Fulfill the Datas in the opened Registration Form.  - &ldquoADD NEW PARTICIPANT&rdquo ? - STEPS - 1 "MY PAGE" "ADD NEW PARTICIPANT" 2 Que. Give me the details of the filling of the Registration-form. Ans. 1 Fulfill all the proper details correctly &ndash Name , Email ,Mobile Number , Password , Captcha-Code. 2 After Signup &ndash Open Your email to activate your registration and verification of Mobile Number.  3 In the box given below the confirm password option just fill your choiced user name for generating your web-page Your own Referral-Link  -   - 1 - , , , -   2 "Signup"   3 - - Subject &ndash Luck-Play Game Que. When I will be given a chance to play game of Luck Play ? Ans. Just after the confirmation of your given Help. - ? - Que. Describe me the procedure of Game. Ans. Out of the numbers from 1 to 9 the player will choose any one. Then System will automatically give a number at sharp 15.30 GMT. Indian Time 9 pm. , If it matches with your number, you will be called a Winner , If it doesn&rsquot match with your number you will be called as a loser  -   - 1 9 Que. If I play the game at 1 pm on Monday when will I get result? Ans. The Result of all the games played will be announced displayed as - Timings of playing game Time of announcing Result 1. Saturday 9pm to Tuesday 9 pm Tuesday at 9 pm Sharp 2. Tuesday 9pm to Thursday 9 pm Thursday at 9 pm Sharp 3. Thursday 9pm to Saturday 9 pm Saturday at 9 pm Sharp - 1 ? - -                             1 9 9 -- 9   2 9 9 -- 9   3 9 9 --   9   Que. When a player is announced winner? Ans. On matching of the player&rsquos selected number with the resulted number the player will be announced winner.  - ? - Que. When a player will be announced loser ? Ans. On mismatching of the player&rsquos selected number with the resulted number the player will be announced loser.  - ? - Que. Why did my Mavro balance remained 1250 only ? Ans. In the condition of selecting 400 growth plan and then losing game the mavro becomes 25. Hence your Mavro remained 1250 only.  - 1250 ? - 400 25 1250 5000 25   Que. Why did my Mavro become 20000 after game result? Ans. In the condition of selecting 400 growth plan and then winning game the mavro becomes 4 times. Hence your Mavro increased to 20000.  - 20,000 ? - 400 4 20,000 5000 400 Que. Why did my Mavro balance remained 2500 only ? Ans. In the condition of selecting 300 growth plan and then losing game the mavro becomes 50. Hence your Mavro remained 2500 only.  - 2500 ? - 300 50 2500 5000 50 Que. Why did my Mavro become 15000 after game result? Ans. In the condition of selecting 300 growth plan and then winning game the mavro becomes 3 times. Hence your Mavro increased to 15000.  - 15,000 ? - 300 3 15,000 5000 300 Que. Why did my Mavro balance remained 3750 only ? Ans. In the condition of selecting 200 growth plan and then losing game the mavro becomes 75. Hence your Mavro remained 3750 only.  - 3750 ? - 200 75 3750 5000 75 Que. Why did my Mavro become 10000 after game result? Ans. In the condition of selecting 200 growth plan and then winning game the mavro becomes 2 times. Hence your Mavro increased to 10000.  - 10,000 ? - 200 2 10,000 5000 200 Que. Why did My balance mavro remain 5000 only why there is no any growth or loss ? Ans. In the condition of selecting 100 growth plan and then winning or losing game the mavro remains same . Hence your Mavro remains 5000.  - 5000 ? ? - 100 100 5000 Subject &ndash Level Bonus Que. In the universal single leg ,upto which level I will get the level bonuses?  Ans. Upto unlimited depth .  - ? - Que. Why System is giving me mavro upto unlimited depth of my down single line ? Ans. System provides mavro as incentive against your activities in the promotion of single universal line as per your strength.  - ? - Que. I referred 10 participants and among them 1 participants get blocked , what will happen? Ans . You will not eligible to get the next level bonuses that is 20 mavro from each participants.  - 10 1 , ?  - 9 20 10 1 20 Que. My virtual account showing 30 mavro per participant but on confirmation of single down leg participants I am getting 20 mavro from each participant , why ? Ans. Your virtual account showing 30 mavro bonus because you completed 50 or more than 50 but less than 100 referrals but among them only up to 49 referrals activated themselves and other participants got blocked , so you are getting 20 mavro bonus from each participants.  - 30 20 , ? - 50 100 30 49 20 Que. I referred 110 referrals and among them 11 participants get blocked , then how system will calculate my virtual income and how confirmed income will be calculated ? Ans. As you referred 100 referrals your virtual income will be calculated by 30 mavro per participants , but as your confirmed participants are less then 100 so your confirm mavro will be calculated by 20 mavro per participant. as your 100th referrals will be active your confirm mavro will be calculated by 30 mavro after all participants down single leg of 100th participant.  - 110 11 , ? - 100 30 11 99 20 100 30 100   Subject &ndash Referral Bonus Que. Why I didn&rsquot get Referral bonus means 250 mavro from my sponser ? Ans. For the very first sponsor the system doesn&rsquot give the Bonus.From Second Direct onwards you will get 250 mavro as referral bonus for each sponsored member.  - 250 ? - - 250 Que. I referred 1 participant and that participant get blocked , what will be happen? Ans. You will not eligible to get level bonuses as it is the minimum and compulsory condition to get level bonuses.  - , ? -     Subject &ndash General Queries Que. Why is the system not taking the selling order , even there is level commission of more than 5000 Mavro in my account? Ans. For the participants below 10 Club - The selling limit per week is 5000 from level bonuses and you are not 10 club member.That&rsquos why System is not taking your sale order even you have Balance Mavro in account.  - 5000 , ? - 10 CLUB 5000 10 CLUB   Que. What is the maximum limit of Sale-Mavro per week ? Ans.For the clear details of this, plz. visit &ldquoRULES&rdquo of the website.  - - - ? - "RULES" , - Que. From where does the system manage such huge  amount of mavro? Ans. In this system lots of person loss the game and lots of participants are ready to purchase and repurchase the  mavro so it is very easy to give mavro to all working participants.  - ? - Que. Can I use any other bank account for withdraw of funds? Ans. Yes Sure.Whenever you require you can update any account in the system to withdraw the Fund.  - ? - , Que. With the set of one mobile and one email address how many Ids can be login ?  Ans. Only single Attempt.  - ? - Que. Who is the FOUNDER of MMM Single Leg & Where is the registered office of this sytem in India ? Ans. Mr. Sergey Mavrodi from Russia. This is not a company, not a business, this is a social financial network, global mutual aid fund. So no need of any Office.  - ? - , Que. When the virtual income mavro will be converted into confirmed income mavro ? Ans. As your down single lines participants confirm their mavro purchase order your virtual mavro will be converted into confirmed mavro.  - ? - - - Que. How can I contact or report to the CRO? Ans.By clicking the feedback option on your panel For chatting with the Russian CRO Or By directly mailing to or  - CRO ? - CRO -  ID "FEEDBACK"   , , , , 10 - , , , ,&ldquoMMM&rdquo - - 1 SINGLE LEG INCOME 2 5000- - 3 - 4 - 10 20 - TOP POSITION - click any link or copy paste call 09927116509

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  • 30 November, -0001
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