india no.1 off-line business opportunity low investment high return in monthly start respons in 1st

HUMAN BIZ  SERVICES Smart people do smart workCOMPANY OVERVIEWHuman biz services is a customer oriented base company, having its main branch in lucknow. Company is  focusing individual person  gain better income all over india.OUR  FOCUSü  The company is primarily focusing on gain a extra income in minimum time period.ü  The user has already reached to 50 thousands and growth is continuing at a high rate every year.THE REVOLUTION BEGINS FROM-2014To all the existing members of human biz services you have already joined your person in the revolution in human biz service industry.You have the power to use your persons as &ldquoMONEY MAKING  MACHINE&rdquoBUSINESS PLANØ  Member ship reg. cost rs.1000- onlyno refundØ  Per member joing per day income rs.50-SUPPORT       Human biz services will provide you complete guidance and information needed or required by you at any point of time.       Company had already started its customer care service programmed so that all your queries can be resolved.       It would be beneficiar for you when you would be trying to get information about any thing regarded with human biz services.WHY ARE ADVANTAGES  HUMAN BIZ SERVICES?1.       High  commission on each sale2.       All licenses carry on investment through validity3.       Faster result with your concentrated efforts4.       Faster return on investmentPLAN DETAIL HUMAN BIZ SERVICES PACKAGE DURATIONS PACKAGE  AMT. RGT. FEE PACKAGE AMT. JOIN MEMBER   JOIN DATE ID NO. STATUS TOTAL EARNING 1 MONTH 5000 1000             2 MONTH 10000 1000             3 MONTH 15000 1000 ü    5 1-JAN-14 AG0001 GOOD 22500 4 MONTH 20000 1000             5 MONTH 25000 1000             6 MONTH 30000 1000             7 MONTH 35000 1000             8 MONTH 40000 1000 ü    9 1-DEC-13 AG0002 GOOD 54000 9 MONTH 45000 1000             10 MONTH 50000 1000             1. REFUND PACKAGE AMT. AFTER 6 MONTH 2.REG. FEE NO  REFUND  Address - staff house,sector-2,vikas nagar,lucknowEmail id &ndash gopalbiz8gmail.comContact no. &ndash 09889622617gopal prajapati  

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