Just Rings is a Best Plan Daily ROI

www.justrings.org . Best company joining ID (pin)- Rs.1000.you can choose any one from 4 types of advertisement top up packages. 1) 5000 Rs (capping 2 lakh per month) , 2) 10,000 Rs (capping 4 lakh per month) , 3) 20,000 Rs (capping 8 lakh per month , 4) 50,000 Rs (capping 20 lakh per month) Non working income - Justrings phone number is 08030636362 . when you will just ring on this number daily then you will receive a code on your registered mobile and you will put this code in your id on the bottom of ad in the empty box then you will get your daily income in your ID . 1% daily ROI for 250 working days . After 250 working days you will give only 50% amount and your ID will be top up with 100% amount . 3 types of working income- 1) 10% direct income.  2) 8% binary income. 3) 8% , 6% , 4% , 2% Leaderhip Bonus from Downlines 4 generations . Non working and working payout withdrawal on date 1st and 16th of every month with 4 methods. 1) Bank withdrawal . 2) ATM withdrawal . 3) you can use your fund to top up any ID . 4) instant fund withdrawal - with instant balance you can do 1) prepaid recharge. 2) postpaid bills. 3) DTH Recharge. 4) Data card Recharge. 5) Electricity Bill of all over india. you can feel free to call for any query – GS CHAUHAN 8437942728

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  • 30 November, -0001
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