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Dr. Jose Mendonca, Director of the Head and Neck Surgery Unit of Hospital POLUSA in Lugo, Spain and previously a Clinical and Research Fellow in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the UCLA School ReadmoreStem Cell   May 1, 2010 By Elsie Broche 1 comment Why We Need Stem Cell Transplant Stem cell transplant is the new buzzword in medical technology and is one of the best known methods for curing the incurable diseases. More and more parents are investing in cord blood stem cell banking as means of securing their kid&rsquos future. But do you really need to bank your kid&rsquos stem cells? Read on, while we tell you whether it is a good idea or not The biggest advantage with ReadmoreStem Cell   April 29, 2010 By Elsie Broche No comments yet Patient got free of HIV after stem cell transplant A 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia appears to have no detectable HIV in his blood and no symptoms after a stem cell transplant from a donor carrying a gene mutation that confers natural resistance to the virus that causes AIDS, according to a report published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine. The patient underwent a stem cell transplant and since, has not tested for HIV in ReadmoreStem Cell   April 28, 2010 By Elsie Broche No comments yet Stem Cells for treatment of damaged hearts The Stem cell that promote stem cell treatment to desperate people with promises of wonder treatments. Stem Cells are engaged in the field of regenerative medicine. This includes the treatment of patients with stem cell transplantation therapy. Scientists have for the first time succeeded in extracting vital stem cells from sections of vein removed for heart bypass surgery. Stem Cell ReadmoreStem Cell By Elsie Broche 2 comments KNOW MORE ABOUT STEM CELLS Stem cell therapy is going to revolutionize how we treat hearing loss, ATS, cancer, Parkinson&rsquos and other deadly diseases. As stem cell treatments are taking place worldwide, there is a need to understand what they exactly mean. In terms of medical fraternity, stem cells are the life providers of human beings and their use in the right way will lead to new discoveries in the field of medical ReadmoreStem Cell   April 27, 2010 By Elsie Broche No comments yet Cord Blood Stem Cells successfully used to treat child&rsquos leukemia disease. Now a day&rsquos across all over the world Cord blood is used as an alternative to bone marrow transplant when in future if the child or his family member is diagnosed with cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma and other disorders of the blood-making system, such as sickle-cell anemia severe immune-system disorders and genetic defects affecting the blood-making system. But miracles took place so ReadmoreStem Cell By Elsie Broche 12 comments Patient receives two transplants successfully Many breakthroughs took place in the history of medical science especially the miracles being done by stem cells. From all these here is one miracle which will touch the hearts of masses makes people believe that nothing is impossible to achieve in the present scenario. Here is the story of 15-year-old Laura Margaret Burbach toting oxygen and appearing wan &ndash scary on a 4-foot, 5-inch ReadmoreStem Cell   April 23, 2010 By Elsie Broche 3 comments Stem Cells Treatment for Kawasaki Symptoms of Kawasaki Syndrome could be substantially lessened and may even be reversed with placental stem cell treatment. This belief is on the positive responses of more than 2,000 patients who have sought treatment at a clinic just over the border in Mexico during the past 17 years. The clinic has used placental stem cells to treat cerebral palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, skin disorders, ReadmoreStem Cell   April 16, 2010 By Elsie Broche 1 comment Stem Cell Therapy Treatment Stem cell therapy is going to revolutionize how we treat hearing loss, ATS, cancer, Parkinson&rsquos and other deadly diseases. As stem cell treatments are taking place worldwide, there is a need to understand what they exactly mean. In terms of medical fraternity, stem cells are the life providers of human beings and their use in the right way will lead to new discoveries in the field of medical ReadmoreStem Cell   April 9, 2010 By Elsie Broche 2 comments Break Through in Cord Blood services Cord blood is that type of blood which is left in the umbilical cord and placenta right after the birth of the child and is collected when the cord has been cut off. After the child is born the umbilical cord is routinely discarded with the placenta and is also known as placental blood. Our Cord blood has lots of blood producing stem cells which can be frozen and later can be used for Readmore&larr Older Posts  Categories EMR Heart Stem Cell UncategorizedViews Nigeria Forum Allays Fears Over Handset, Base Stations Health Hazards - 11,587 views Treatment of Muscular Dystrophy by SCGF doctor in Mexico - 3,342 views INDIAN STEM CELL COMPANY TREATED FIRST AUTISM PATIENT - 3,150 views Advantage of Mobile Phone Accessories - 2,509 views Cell Phone Radiation could block the nervous systems of kids - 1,889 viewsTagsAdult Stem Cells In Anti Aging Skin Care Products Analog mobile TV Autologous Stem cell Transplant Brain Tumors cancer Cell phone calls Cellphone calls Cell Phones Care Cellphones Problematic cell tower plan Cell Tower Sites computer technology Diabetes DISCOUNTED CORD BLOOD BANKING WITH SCGF electromagnetic radiations emergency mobile equipment EMR GEMS Satellite Get rid of Stress health concerns Healthy Foods Heart Heart Attack Heart disease High Blood Pressure Home Compurer Improve Mental Stress Massage Therapy Mission Taliban&rsquos Propaganda Mobile Phone Radiation Mobile Phones outdoors training Prepaid Mobile Phones pressrelease productivity Radiation Radiation Therapy smart phone Stem Cell Stem cell therapy for thalassemia patients Stress Relief Time Management Type I Diabetes Mallitus Wireless Industry X-ray polarizationRecent Post Adult Stem Cells for broken jawbones Why We Need Stem Cell Transplant Patient got free of HIV after stem cell transplant Stem Cells for treatment of damaged hearts KNOW MORE ABOUT STEM CELLS Archives May 2010 2 April 2010 16 March 2010 8 February 2010 15 January 2010 14 December 2009 31 November 2009 20 October 2009 94 September 2009 64 August 2009 57 Press Release Testimonials FAQ's Copyright © 2009 KEVA INDUSTRIES. 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