Traffic Shout Compensation Plan POOL Compensation Plan World's first Complesation Plan in which comapny distribute 100% into plan & this will run long term & this is 100% working plan. So those are addicted to loose money in ROI plan will stay away from this. who belive to earn huge & who believe in practical life can join me. This plan will run long term even this will shut down other ponzi running in market & close in a month or 2. Income-1: Direct referral Ans: 25% Direct Income-2: Matrix Income Ans: We have 4 X 7 Self Forced matrix Level-1: 5% Max Earning: 20% Level-2: 4% Max Earning: 64% Level-3: 4% Max Earning: 256% Level-4: 3% Max Earning: 768% Level-5: 3% Max Earning: 3072% Level-6: 3% Max Earning: 12288% Level-7: 3% Max Earning: 49152% Income-3: Ample Bonus Ans: This will give to user once you fill full matrix there is no Foundation of time to complete although takes 2year 5years or 10years Bronze Pool: $5000 Silver Pool: $20000 Gold Pool Pool: $100000 Diamond Pool: $200000 Platinum Pool: $500000 Elite Pool: $1000000 Income-4: matching Ans: Matching is based on volume you generate on daily basis & you will get 5% on Volume. Income-5: Star Club Ans: In this you will get up to 10% from unlimited depth with Cut off Team 50 person: 1Star and Get 2% Team 100 person: 1Star and Get 4% Team 250 person: 1Star and Get 6% Team 500 person: 1Star and Get 8% Team 1000 person: 1Star and Get 10% Income-6: Diamond Club Ans: In this you will get up to 5% from unlimited depth with Cut off, Once your one referral become 5Star then you will become a Diamond & you will get additional income as given below: 1 5Star and you will get 1% 2 5Star and you will get 2% 3 5Star and you will get 3% 4 5Star and you will get 4% 5 5Star and you will get 5% Income-7: Reward Ans: this is Keep changing time to time, As per current reward you will get International Tour package, once you achieve 2 levels with Bronze+Silver Pool. Means you need total 20 person team in 2 Levels till 31st of March 2020 Join Now