For cab registration with ola we need to follow some steps: 1. We need to have a used or brand new car to attached with ola cabs as commercial used but it must in good condition. 2. We can hire a driver which have the commercial license and all the necessary documents or we can also drive yourself then there will be no issues. 3. We need to contact our nearest regional office or we can directly call to the main branch for new registration of the car. 4. The ola company or staff will examine the condition for the car in the nearest regional office. 5. Need to install the old app in the smartphone and the staff will guide about the guidelines and offers. 6. Need to open a current bank account with required documents 7. Now we can readily and can run our ola cabs in the city. Owner documents: If we are the single owner then we want to test the idea with ola and then proceed with registration as a simple sole proprietorship firm. If we are the partner in the business and then we want to test the ideas then we can register as a partnership firm 1.Drafting partnership deed 2.Register with the registrar of firm 3.Apply for pan number on the name of partnership firm 4. Open a current bank account 5.Apply for service tax registration If we are any cofounder of the business and starting a big cab service business then we can register as a private limited company 1.Apply for DSC and DIN Number 2.Apply for name approval, MOA, AOA with the ministry of corporate affairs 3.Apply for PAN number and open a current bank account 4.Apply for service tax registration On completing a single ride ola company takes only 10% of the commission on the total amount of bill which will be calculated by ola app itself. 1.Bonus on peak hours 2.Bonuses on airport drop 3. Bonuses on 12 ride completing Ola Advantage: India largest cab booking app with more than 350000 driver partners 1. Earn up to Rs.10000 per month 2.24x7 driver support 3. Work as per your convenience 4.Payment settlement every day 5.Transparent payment state 6.102+ cities with 3.5 lacs cabs