EBAY Customer Service Phone Number 1 808-400-5318 EBAY Phone Number

You can contact eBay Customer Service in the following ways: Select Contact us at the bottom of this page. Scroll to the bottom of any eBay Help article and choose a contact option. From time to time, our wait times may be longer than usual. To get your answer now, we encourage you to search our Help pages for information first. Customer support at eBay can help you with just about any issue, whether it's an order that never arrived or a product that showed up damaged or defective. The e-commerce site's customer-service channels can also ist eBay sellers facing issues. Whether you're buying, bidding, or selling, eBay has customer-service representatives on hand to help you. For eBay customer support, eBay has on-line technical support, and a response is typically received within 24 hours. For online customer or technical support, eBay users can contact the online Helpdesk. The solutions to many common eBay issues can be found in a number of articles published on the e-commerce site's Help page — think topics like "Return an item for a refund" or "Tracking your item." You can find these articles by punching a few keywords into the search bar under the "Help & Contact" section of the site or browsing the general topic pages. How to contact eBay Many issues can be resolved quickly just by reading through past articles or eBay Community forums — you're probably not the first person to have the issue. Steven John/Business Insider If you don't see your issue, contacting eBay customer support over the phone is as easy as dialing. eBay even offers a callback feature that lets you decide when you want them to call you. Phones are not everyone's preferred method for addressing customer-service issues, though, so here are a few others. Back at the Help portal, choose which topic your issue falls under and then select the email eBay directly option. They generally respond within 24 hours. You can also do a one-on-one live chat with a customer-support agent, though there may be wait times just like the phone. People who are big on social media can try tweeting at eBay via the @AskeBay Twitter handle. If your issue isn't time-sensitive, consider bringing it to the eBay Community. Through this discussion forum, you can start a thread about your problem and members of the eBay community will answer or provide feedback. You can also use the eBay Community Knowledge Base feature to search a list of commonly asked questions.

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