abhishek Yadav from Speakasia Call 9793734198Join SpeakAsia. Rs. 4000 p.m. guaranteed  Part time jobs work from home&ldquoYou can earn from Rs. 4,000 80 to Rs. 40,000 800 per month&rdquoWelcome to &ldquoSpeak Asia Online&rdquo - Asia&rsquos Largest Survey GroupFor earning above income you have to enroll yourself with the company as a premium panelist by paying a subscription amount of Rs. 11,000 220 valid for 1year, in which you will be required t fill up2 surveys weekly by logging in to company website through your login id and password which you will get upon your enrollment and you will be paid Rs. 1000 20 weekly for 52 weeks Total income in a year Rs. 52, 000 1040.Virtual Office- Company also provides you a Virtual office with your login id & password to monitor growth of your business and see your earning details 24 -7, you do not have to maintain any records yourself as this is done online for you by the company&rsquos high-tech software.Referral - You can earn more by referring this part time work to your friends relatives so that they also get benefited and you will get paid for getting them enrolled with the company, thus increasing company&rsquos customer base. For each panel referred by you, you get 10 Rs. 1000.00 20 this income is paid on daily basis. You can refer as many panelists as you can anywhere in India, Singapore and Malaysia and later on Thailand, Philippines and rest of the world.Royalty - You will also earn Royalty income of 15 Rs 150- 1.5 per panel per week of survey income of each of your referred panels for 52 weeks Total Royalty income in a year from 1 referrer panel will be Rs 150 52 Rs 7,800 150.Add. Sub panel - You can increase your income by filling more survey. For this you can add up to 9 sub panels at a discounted subscription rate of Rs. 10,000 200 per sub panel with your mail panel. Total Subscription amount for 10 panels Rs. 1, 01000 2020. Then you will get up to 20 surveys 2 surveys per panel weekly to fill up you have to work daily 1 hour or you can work single day in a week for 7 hours and fill- up all 20 surveys and you will be paid Rs. 10,000 200 every week for 52 weeks Total income in a year Rs. 5, 20,000 10400.Note - Company Trade at Rs. 50.00 in India.Contact PersonMr. abhishekContact Number09793734198Email Idabhishek12bankigmail.comWebsitewww.speakasiaonline.com&ldquoValues Your Opinion&rdquoGet Paid for Your Opinion, That too weeklyWith companies spending more and more of their budgets on advertising, your opinion is becoming extremely valuable. Participating in paid surveys means that companies can gauge your immediate response to their new products or marketing initiatives. Paid surveys can be filled in online over the Internet in the comfort of your own home or work place, so that you can register and participate at a time convenient to you.In just India alone, Companies spend nearly Rs. 300 Billion 30,000 Crores on trying to convince people to buy their products and services &ndash Price Waterhouse Coopers Source The Hindu, PWC See Link. They minimize this expenditure, by finding out what are the actual needs, tastes and preferences of the consumer by conducting surveysYou will get to fill up a few surveys every week. At Speak Asia, we understand your opinion is valuable. You get rewarded for your honest opinion and the time you take out to respond to the surveys of our clients. All correctly filled up surveys will earn you reward points calculated on a weekly basis. These reward points can be redeemed 30 days after the submission of your survey. These reward points can also be used to buy products and services from us or our affiliates worldwide. But that's not all You can also earn an extra buck by referring your friends to Speak Asia. Payments will be made as soon as your referrals join us as a panelist.Working with Speak Asia is perfectly legal. Our online research panels for market research are legally accepted worldwide. And so is our referral program that rewards you for your extra efforts.Sounds Too Good to be True?Option A Subscription Cost Rs. 11000Duration 52-weeksSurveys 104 2 per weekFixed Monthly Income Rs. 4300Fixed Annual Income Rs. 52000Almost 45 Monthly Return on Subscription Costby Spending less than 40 minutes per week Option B Subscription Cost Rs. 30000Duration 52-weeksSurveys 312 6 per weekFixed Monthly Income Rs. 14,300Fixed Annual Income Rs. 1,71,600Almost 50 Monthly Return on Subscription Costby Spending less than 2 hours per week Option C Subscription Cost Rs. 300000Duration 52-weeksSurveys 3120 60 per weekFixed Monthly Income Rs. 1,43,000Fixed Annual Income Rs. 17,16,000Almost 50 Monthly Return on Subscription Costby Spending less than 12 hours per weekOption D Speak Asia Affiliate ProgramEligibility Any of the Above SubscriptionsMonthly Income Fixed MillionsAnnual Income Fixed Millions