Hey people THIS is not a Company, it is a system. It is a social networking system. it&rsquos a GOOD system........ NOT FAKE ,     httpwww.5000mmmindia.com                  15 APRIL 2013                                                                                                           httpwww.5000mmmindia.com   is not a Company, it is a system. It is a social networking system. Here we are not taking any money from you not we are giving any money to you. Here people are donating money to each other depending upon their own capacity. To give donation to each other is for the sake of national integrity. It is not necessary that if you donate, anyone and other will have to donate to you. So just think once before entering to the system Now you will ask one question, why are we running this system?                                                                                                                                             SPONCER ID &ndash MANOHAR RIGHT SIDE  CALL ME - 919028044999  THIS SYSTEM START FROM 15042013  , 5000mmmindia    15              ,          500                  TERMS & CONDITIONS OF OPPORTUNITY - ·         FREE REGISTRATION. ·         THERE ARE 5 GIFTS. ·         ONCE YOU COMPLETE ONE GIFT YOU WILL BE PROMOTED TO NEXT GIFT. ·         YOU HAVE TO DONATE Rs.5,000- FOR GETTING BENEFIT OF 5 GIFT. ·         DIRECT COMMISSION - 50 ·         BINARY COMMISSION - 50 ·         TWO DIRECT SPONSOR COMPULSORY. ·         DAILY CAPPING PER DAY PER ID INR 25,000 ·         DIRECT AND BINARY COMMISSION WILL BE CREDITED IN E-WALLET AND YOU CAN PLACE THE WITHDRAWAL REQUEST DAILY FROM YOUR LOGIN PANEL. ·         AFTER TAKING THE INCOME FOR 5 GIFT, YOU WILL HAVE TO DONATE RS.5,000 AGAIN TO ONE MORE RECEIVER. AFTER THAT YOU CAN TAKE BENEFIT OF BINARY & DIRECT INCOME. AFTER THAT, YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO DONATE AFTER EVERY 5 WITHDRAWALS. ·         THREE CONSECUTIVE REJECTION WILL BLOCK YOUR ID AUTOMATICALLY.       How to Join GO TO  www.5000mmmindia.com      httpwww.5000mmmindia.comregistration.aspx   httpwww.5000mmmindia.comregistration.aspx                                                                                      SPONCER ID &ndash MANOHAR RIGHT SIDE                               CALL MANOHAR 91 9028044999 IF U WANT TO JOIN SENT ME UR EMAIL ID,MOBILE NO, NAME, ADDRESS, BANK ACCOUNT NO.,D.O.B. AT manohar.cpatil1gmail.com EMAIL - manohar.cpatil1gmail.com