BSG has arrived in the market.
#All BSG member joining. 
#Polygon Blockchain
#Low Gas Fees (Near 0.10$ per transaction)
#No need to buy energy 
#15% per cycle
#10 days cycle
#45% Monthly
Registration link
💻 BSG Dapp System Features
▪️ 10 days per cycle
▪️ 1.5% daily ROI
▪️ 45% monthly
▪️ MATIC COIN currency
▪️50-2000 deposit
▪️100% Recommitment
▪️Low gas 
▪️ Polygon Matic Chain 
▪️1+1  rule cycle
▪️1:1 +  rule Deposit
▪️70/30 Split Account 
💰 20 levels of income: 
▪️ 5% for first tier, 
▪️ 1% for second tier, 
▪️ 2% for third tier,
▪️ 3% for fourth tier, 
▪️ 1% for fifth tier, 
▪️ 2% for sixth tier, 
▪️ 1% for 7th - 10th tiers, 
▪️ 0.5% for 11th - 20th tiers
💰1-STAR Leader Split Income: 
▪️ Enjoy 1-5 level 
▪️ 3 direct downline with total of 500 MATIC deposit. 
▪️ Self deposit of 50 TO 450
💰 2-STAR Split Income: 
▪️ Enjoy 1-10 level bonuses 
▪️ level bonuses released after the player’s deposit expires, 
▪️ 3 direct downline with total of 2000 MATIC deposit.
▪️ Self deposit of 500 TO 950
💰3 -STAR Split Income:
▪️ Enjoy 1-20 level bonuses 
▪️ level bonuses released after the player’s deposit expires, 
▪️ 5 direct downline with total of 5000 MATIC deposit.
▪️ Self deposit of 1000+
💰4 -STAR Income:
▪️ Enjoy 1-20 level bonuses 
▪️ level bonuses released after the player’s deposit expires, 
▪️ 5 direct downline with total of 5000 MATIC deposit.
▪️ Self deposit of 1000+
💰 5 -STAR Income: 
▪️ Enjoy 1-10 level bonuses 
▪️ 1000 MATIC self-deposit+ 5 direct (5000 direct business) 10 + 30 total team members (20,000 team deposits)
▪️ Bonuses released after the player’s deposit expires, 
▪️ 40 team members + 20,000 MATIC deposit volume. 50% of sale volume from 1st leg!
💰 6 -STAR Income: 
▪️ Enjoy 1-20 level bonuses 
▪️ 2000 MATIC self-deposit+ 5 direct (10000 direct business) 30 + 60 total team members (60,000 team deposits)
▪️ Bonuses released after the player’s deposit expires, 
▪️ 90 team members + 60,000 MATIC deposit volume. 50% of sale volume from 1st leg!
💰 Global Income: 
▪️ Enjoys daily pool.
▪️ 1% global turnover royalty daily dividend equally shared
*  5 - Star Player shall evenly spread the pool money.
   0.4% Daily / 24 Hours.
*  6 - Star Player shall also be rewarded and the prize pool will be allocated
   according to the proportion of the deposit amount of Global pool.
   0.6% Daily / 24 Hours. 
▪️Registration link

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  • 24 January, 2023
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