safe plan -only 4500 abhishek 09389760143Astha Business PlanTerms & ConditionTo join with Astha Shopping you have to pay Rs.-500-non-refundable as Registration Fee & will become as our authorized Member. And of course you can pay the required fee through various payment options.Once you register with us, you can start to promote about this innovative compensation plan. For Earn much incomes you have to pay Rs.-4000-For 12 months only as Subscription Fee & Company returns Full Value Of Your Money By Giving You "Aastha Product-Kit"which have Imported Korean Blanket, 100 Cotton Imported Double Bed Sheet with Two Pillow Covers and 3 Nights4 Days Amazing Tour Package For 2 Adults 2 Children upto 8 years old. Direct Referral income 1-Direct Referral Income of 5 will be credited only on Upgrade Accounts . 2- No Referral Income will be credited on Sign-up Or Registered Accounts .Binary income 1- Combination required to from first pair is 11.2- Binary income is Rs-500-on Matching Pair.3- Capping is Rs- 50000- per week. weekly closing on every Saturday at midnight . 4- Unmatched Pairs will be carried forward to next payment cycle .Referral Binary Income 1-On Upgrade Accounts 10 of Binary Income of your direct referral will be given .     Ex.- Suppose You Direct Refer &lsquoA&rsquo & A gets Rs.-50000- of hisher Binary Income, You will get 10 of Rs.-50000-     Rs.-5000- As Additional Income . Weekly Gift Income 1-On Upgrade Accounts member will get 1 Registration Pin As gift in a week for his her sale promotion. Deductions 1-TDS 10.3 and Service charges 4.7will be deducted from earnings as per Govt. norms. 2-Administration Charge is 5 3-Without Pan-Card Total Deduction will be 25 . Note - 1-Any Member will not purchase any Registration Pin by hisher Direct Referral Income and Binary Income. 2-Registration Pins will be purchased Only From Company. 3-Upgrade Pins will be purchased from any kind of income. 4-1 Registration Pin As gift is given to every Upgrade member regularly. 5-Every Income will be credited into Upgrade Accounts after as per mentions.