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Ayurvedic medicines cures acne, fair colour, pimples, black spot arround eyes & depression . Moti Pearl in margarita is a valuable mineral which contains calcium, traces of magnesium, zinc, strontium, selenium, and 20-22 amino acids which are the building blocks of every living organism. Pearl powder is a natural moisturizer. Pearl powder contains proteins which renew the skin cells, vitamin B complex and Polysaccharides which strengthen the muscles and the metabolism. Margrita is a preparation in which all form of natural products after purification is reduced to their oxide or sulphide form while pishti is a preparation in which they are treated with rose water called Bhawnas. Purification of all form of natural products is one of the important factor and the quality of the product depends on the purification of these natural products. Margrita is made from pure pearls and rose water is very useful for the treatment of Stomach Ulcer. Margrita Used as Herbal Supplement for Depression and also usedfor the treatment of mild fiver, weakness, anemia, respiratory troubles and sleeplessness due to Pitta dosha. Is also beneficial tonic for heart and brain. Is used in treatment of eye sight problems, general debility, Is used in treatment of eye sight problems, general debility, weakness, cough, high fever, jaundice and depression.Greatly works as depression herbal treatment Margritais beneficial in following conditions &bull Margrita is beneficial in all types of eye disorders. &bull Margrita is also helpful in increasing vision. &bull Margrita is also found to be having aphrodisiac property. So it is found to be useful in impotency, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. &bull This is also beneficial in various types of Pitta diseases. &bull Margrita is also beneficial in various types of fevers. &bull Margrita also provides the strength to the body after excessive semen ejaculation. Also provides the body the needed nutrients that have been lost while doing so. &bull Margrita is also beneficial in all types of diseases that have been resulted due to the deficiency of calcium. &bull Margrita is also beneficial in asthma, various types of eye disorders, and in various types of weaknesses produced in the body. &bull This is also beneficial in indigestion. &bull Margrita also reduces down wheezing and breathlessness in asthma and bronchitis. &bull Margrita is also beneficial in various types of mental disorders. &bull This is also known to benefit in all types of chronic or acute headaches. &bull Margrita also benefits in inflammation. &bull Also known to benefit in diabetes mellitus. &bull Margritais also known to benefit in various types of urinary disorders. &bull Produces a calming effect all over the body. &bull Margrita improves skin complexion, treats skin diseases like rashes, pimples, acne, cracks and discoloring spots. &bull Margrita cleanses the intestine, blood, kidneys as well as whole body & mind. &bull Margrita increases sperm count. &bull Margrita provides strength to the cardiac muscles. This also helps the blood vessels to regain elasticity that has been lost with the

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