Business Plan - S.No. Package Product package Amount 1 Package 1 2 Nights & 3 days holidays voucher2 Adults & 2 Childs. 3000- 2 Package 2 3 Nights & 4 days holidays voucher2 Adults & 2 Childs 5000- Package 10 Days 20 Days 40 Days Package 1 Incentive for 1500- Incentive for 3000- Incentive for 4500- Package 2 Incentive for 2500- Incentive for 5000- Incentive for 7500- Referal Income - You will get 10 Refferal Income from every new sponsor by youPromotional Income- you will get 10 Promotional income on matching of both legsYou will get Promotional Income on 11Power leg carry frowardOne direct in left and one in right is compulsoryTerms & Condition Principal Amount Three Time in 40 Days  User can Re-investment after 40 days User have to top uphisher id witnin 72 hour of register 10 Referral Income and 10 Promotional Income Direct Bank Account Transfer. Payment Mode - NEFT, RTGS, CARD TO CARD and cash are not Allowed 1 Name ,Mobile No., & Email Id take Maximum 5 ID's.