TOTAL HOLIDAY TRIP PACKAGE Greetings of the day PROPOSAL FOR “silver card membership” WITH 5YEARS VACATION MEMBERSHIP OF LEISURE HOSPITALITY AND TOURISTRY PVT. LTD. with regards to conversation with you i am sending across the complete details of the LEISURE HOSPITALITY AND TOURISTRY PVT. LTD. vacation membership. Please allow me to show you a glimpse of the exciting world of LEISURE HOSPITALITY. LEISURE HOSPITALITY is the India's leading Holiday Providing company Membership Benefits: We offer you the vacation membership of LEISURE HOSPITALITY including the below benefits. 1] This Membership includes Member, spouse, and children up to the age of 25 years. Everymembers will get separate membership cards. 2] Enroll for 5Years Vacation membership with a handsome price of Rupees EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND (INR 85000/-) only WITH 0 annual maintenance charges . 3] Member can book vacation in 100+ affiliated properties of leisure hospitality all over India. 4] all affiliated properties of leisure hospitality are totally 4* that are preepurachsed from leading hotels and resorts chain i.e. Sarovar portico hotels, radission hotels ramada hotels and resorts, Fidado hotels, royal orchid and regenta hotels etc. a) A week (7D/6N) for 5 years: You will get holidays for every year at today’s price, thereby making the entire proposition largely inflation proof. No any utility charges in domestic locations. Member will also get a 2n/3d holiday booking in 5* property in his city addictional along with 5 year(6n/7d) b) Splitting the holidays: Split the holidays twice in a year to your convenience like 4D/3N & 3D/2N split in your choice of destination & different period of the year. c) Advancing and Carry Forwarding: If need more days can be advanced from next year or carry forward for next year (maximum one week). d) Gifting: You can gift your holidays to your friends, relatives etc. f) All hotel booking of leisure hospitality are booked with breakfast Leisure hospitality is providing pickup and drop service totally complementary every year itinerary of your decided location will be explained and member can include in his vacation with less than 40% discount from market price. Web Add: www.leisurehospitality.in & www.daelive.com

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  • 12 February, 2022
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