yesterday Network -254734Today Network-264626daily registration approximate all over the world-10000minimum                                                             call me-8950006170Profit network -  U 79.388.400,00                                                                       virender lohanPHASE 1 - From now to June 9, 2013      Register for FREE and receive a FREE website to build your network.  PHASE 2 &ndash From June 10 to June 14, 2013Make a single payment of 20 twenty dollars to secure your position in the launch of this incredible Global Binary Network.  PHASE 3 Final &ndash June 17, 2013Opening of your account in the UNIVERSAL PRIVATE BANKING, you will gain access to all of the advantages of our UNIVERSAL FORTUNE system.  HOW IT WORKSTo succeed in the network marketing opportunity UNIVERSAL PRIVATE BANKING you only need invite two people. Here's how it works1. You register for FREE in the UNIVERSAL PRIVATE BANKING website, httpuprivatebanking.comlohan10012. Receive your personal website and start building your network by inviting two friends. You can invite as many friends as you want. The more people you invite, the greater your network will be. 3. On JUNE 10 Monday will be the official launch date you can secure your position in the formation of the global binary network with a single payment of 20 twenty US dollars, you will be able to this until JUNE 14 Friday. 4. Starting on JUNE 17 Monday you will be able to open your account at the UNIVERSAL PRIVATE BANKING and begin to benefit from all the advantages of the UNIVERSAL FORTUNE system. 5. In 24 hours your online account will be active and you will be ready to make transactions. 6. In 10 business days you will receive on your address your UNIVERSAL CASH CARD in addition to the documentation of your account. 7. You will be able to withdraw your daily bonuses and make purchases in any ATM in more than 210 countries. 8. You can multiply your bonuses by participating in the UNIVERSAL FORTUNE system.   HOW MUCH CAN YOU EARN - UNIVERSAL FORTUNE INDIVIDUAL EARNINGS 5 DIFFERENT BONUSES1. CASH BACK &ndash Special bonuses are credited to your account, according to the account type you choose - 10, 30, 40 or 50 at the end of 12 months. Account Types SIMPLE &ndash 5 bonus credited to your account PERSONAL - 10 bonus credited to your account. BUSINESS - 30 bonus credited to your account. UNIVERSAL - 40 bonus credited to your account. PRIVATE - 50 bonus credited on your account. 2. CASH CARD - Every time the UNIVERSAL CASH CARD is used for withdrawals and purchases by any affiliate, of any team, anywhere in the world, a percentage of the of the amount is credited in bonus to you, and you will be paid according to your account type 20 is split between all PERSONAL accounts, 30 is split between all BUSINESS accounts, 40 is split between all UNIVERSAL accounts and 10 is split between all PRIVATE accounts. 3. CASH DIRECT &ndash Every time you refer someone directly, you will earn a bonus on every account opened, and you will be paid according to the account type. SIMPLE Account &ndash You earn 5 in extra bonus in your account. PERSONAL Account - You earn 25 in extra bonus in your account. BUSINESS Account - You earn 100 in bonus to your account. UNIVERSAL Account - You earn 1,000 in bonus to your account. PRIVATE Account - You earn 2,000 in bonus to your account. 4. CASH UNIVERSAL - All UNIVERSAL accounts share 1 monthly of all of the first deposits in all of the accounts opened at the UNIVERSAL PRIVATE BANKING. 5. CASH PRIVATE - accounts share 1 monthly of all of the first deposits in all of the accounts opened at the UNIVERSAL PRIVATE BANKING. EARNINGS PER TEAM 5 DIFFERENT BONUSES CASH UNLIMITED When you refer two people to open accounts, one on your right leg and one on your left leg, you will be eligible to infinite earnings of the Global Binary Network personal and overflow. Each time an account is opened directly or indirectly on your right leg and on your left leg, you will get a bonus according to the pairs completed. 1. Pair of SIMPLE accounts - You earn 10 up to the maximum earnings of 100 daily 2. Pair of PERSONAL accounts - You earn 20 up to the maximum earnings of 500 daily 3. Pair of BUSINESS accounts &ndash You earn 80 up to the maximum earnings of 16,000 daily 4. Pair of UNIVERSAL accounts - You earn 800 up to the maximum earnings of 30,000 daily 5. Pair of PRIVATE accounts - You earn 1,500 up to the maximum earnings of 50,000 daily 6. You earn a residual of 0.40 up to level 6 of your personal network for each account opened. See the example of earnings if you invite 5 friends who invite 5 friends.   FRIENDS EARNINGS TOTAL LEVEL 1...........5 5 x 0.40 2 2 LEVEL 2...........25 25 x 0.40 10 12 LEVEL 3...........125 125 x 0.40 50 64 LEVEL 4...........625 625 x 0.40 250 314 LEVEL 5...........3.125 3.125 x 0.40 1,250 1,564 LEVEL 6...........15.625 15.625 x 0.40 6,250 7,814  NEWSJUNE 10 - ACTIVATION DAYUNIVERSAL PRIVATE BANKINGThe first private banking in network marketing Dear AffiliateCustomer,Congratulations on your decision to be part of our institution.  IMPORTANT NEWS1. ACTIVATIONOn the 10th of June you can make the payment of 20 in your virtual office to ensure your activation at the beginning of the worldwide binary network. 2. FORMS OF PAYMENTYou can pay witho Credit Cardo Debit Cardo Perfect Moneyo C-goldo Pecunixo Solid Trust Payo Wire Transfero Bank invoice only in Brazilo Bank Transfer only in Brazil 3. DON&rsquoT MISS YOUR POSITIONIf your payment of 20 is not made until June 14, 2013, your position in the binary network will be lost. 4. DYNAMIC COMPRESSIONAll entries paid on or before June 14, 2013 will form the beginning of the binary network worldwide. The registrations paid after June 14 will be placed behind the ones paid on or before June 14, even if they have registered before. If your sponsor does not pay, your new sponsor will be the first active registration above your sponsor. 5. OPENING OF ACCOUNTS AND VALUESOnly affiliates active in the binary network U 20 may open accounts in the system UNIVERSAL PRIVATE BANKING and have access to the exclusive UNIVERSAL FORTUNE system. The price to open the accounts areSIMPLE- U 100PERSONAL- U 300BUSINESS- U 1,300UNIVERSAL- U 15,000PRIVATE- U 50,000 only 50 per countryThese values will be credited to your online account along with the BONUS CASH BACK in accordance with the account that you choose. FINAL CONSIDERATIONSOnce again, thank you for your interest in being part of the first PRIVATE BANKING in network marketing. And remember JUNE 10TH IS THE LAUNCH OF THE WORLD BINARY NETWORK. DO NOT MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY. ENSURE YOUR POSTION AT THE START OF THIS NETWORK. UNIVERSAL PRIVATE BANKING.  

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