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Embracing a New Workstyle: Balancing Sitting and Standing

Hi! I totally agree with you. Standing while working is indeed gaining traction for good reasons. I've given it a shot too, and the benefits are remarkable. Increased alertness, focus, and that extra energy boost make a noticeable difference. Breaking away from extended sitting is a game-changer for productivity and overall well-being. It's fantastic to see this trend taking off! 

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I would love to share my experience! I have been experimenting with sitting and standing for a long time, and I can say that it is really effective. Now I actively use a height-adjustable desk - it really helps to find the optimal position for standing work. Just like you, I started with working at a computer while standing up and it brought incredible results! Nowadays, I also alternate between sitting and standing to achieve the best balance. 

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Not so long ago I decided to work at the computer, standing up, and the impressions are only positive! Now I practice alternating between sitting and standing to achieve harmony. I always play PlayStation games standing up, but I prefer to sit down when playing computer games - it probably takes a little time to get used to it. Now in search of the perfect surface for standing work. By the way, are there any other supporters of this approach here? Let's discuss all the pros of this strategy!

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