Avensia Life Sciences Private Limited

Avensia Life Sciences Private Limited - Avensia

Avensia Life Sciences Pvt Ltd, established in September 2013, is a Private Limited company operating under the Companies Act, 1956, with the registration number U24232RJ2013PTC043945. The company operates in India and specializes in selling and distributing goods/products through a multilevel marketing method using direct sellers.
The company is dedicated to meeting the needs of consumers by making high-quality goods/products accessible and available. Avensia Life Sciences offers a diverse range of products, ranging from sanitizers to food masalas, catering to various consumer preferences and requirements.
One of the key factors that sets Avensia Life Sciences apart is its unwavering commitment to quality. The company takes pride in delivering products that meet stringent quality standards and are safe for consumers to use. The wide range of products offered by Avensia Life Sciences is carefully curated to ensure that they meet the highest quality benchmarks, providing customers with reliable and effective solutions for their daily needs.
Avensia Life Sciences operates through a robust multilevel marketing method, which involves a network of direct sellers. These sellers are trained and empowered to promote and sell the company's products, creating a strong distribution network that reaches customers across different regions in India. This unique business model not only provides opportunities for individuals to earn income but also promotes entrepreneurship and financial independence.
The company places a strong emphasis on training and development of its direct sellers, providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and support to excel in their roles. Avensia Life Sciences conducts regular training programs, workshops, and seminars to enhance the skills and knowledge of its sellers, enabling them to effectively promote and sell the company's products.
Avensia Life Sciences also prioritizes customer satisfaction. The company has a dedicated customer service team that is readily available to address customer queries, concerns, and feedback. The company believes in building long-term relationships with its customers based on trust, reliability, and exceptional service.
Furthermore, Avensia Life Sciences is committed to upholding ethical business practices and operates with utmost transparency and integrity. The company adheres to all legal requirements and regulations governing its operations, ensuring that its business is conducted in a fair and responsible manner. Avensia Life Sciences takes pride in its reputation as a trusted and reliable provider of high-quality goods/products in the market.
If you want to become a member of Avensia Life Sciences and start earning, you can join the company by signing up through its website for registration. Once you are registered, you will be provided with the necessary support and resources to kickstart your journey as a direct seller and start earning income. Avensia Life Sciences offers a lucrative earning opportunity for individuals who are passionate about promoting high-quality products and building their own business.
Avensia Life Sciences Pvt Ltd is a reputable company that is committed to providing high-quality goods/products to consumers through its multilevel marketing method. With a wide range of products, a strong focus on quality, training, and customer satisfaction, and a transparent and ethical business approach, Avensia Life Sciences offers an exciting opportunity for individuals to become members and start earning. Join Avensia Life Sciences today by signing up through the website, and you are all set to embark on a rewarding journey of entrepreneurship and financial independence.
Company Registration Number: 43945
ISO Number: 9001:2015
CIN: U24232RJ2013PTC043945
Company Type: Direct Selling Company
Category/Industry: Healthcare
Founded Date: 26 Sep 2013
Founder/Co-Founder/CEO/Director: Dinesh Kumar Gupta
Headquarters: Bhilwara
Branches: Delhi, Kanpur
Operating Status: Active
Company Product/Services: Health care products and much more
Top Leaders: Dinesh Kumar Gupta, Saurabh Tiwari, Ghanshyam Dixit
Location/Address: 117/H-1/56, Pandu Nagar, Kanpur (U.P) - 208005

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