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 SANTOSH CHOUDHARY KOLKATA  E-mail-               Mob- 91 7439135012.               Smart Home Care Business Linited    BUSINESS PLAN -      TOTAL COMMISSION SLAB -   B.V. 4000 10.0 9000 12.0 15,000 15.0 35,000 18.0 75,000 20.0 1,20,000 22.5 1,60,000 25.0 2,50,000 27.5 3,60,000 30.0    COMMISSION SLAB ON REPURCHASE -       Up to 1999 20 2000 21 6000 22 10,000 23 20,000 24 40,000 25 80,000 26 1,30,000 28 2,25,000 30                Calculation of Commission -       Example -       Joining Business of Group A 85,000 B.V. Repurchase of Group A 50,000 B.V. Joining Business of Group B 40,000 B.V. Re-purchase of Group B 45,000 B.V. Self purchase 4,000 B.V. Total Business Volume 2,24,000 B.V.           Your group total commission Joining Business On the basis of total 2,24,000   1.25.000 x 25 31,250 Repurchase   99,000 x 26 25,740 Total   31,250 25,740 56,990 Less Group A commission Joining Business of Group A On the basis of total 1,35,000   85,000 x 22.5 19,125 Re-purchase   50,000 x 25 12,500 - 31,625           Less Group B Commission Joining business On the basis of total 85,000   40,000 x 20 8,000 Repurchase   45,000x25 11,250 - 19,250           NOTE - 1. Your total group business is a sum of your and all your down leg business. 2. Repurchase of self code in the same month is compulsory to each commission. 3. This is a hypothetical example. Commission can vary on the basis of actual situation of business            LEADERSHIP BONUS -       On reaching 30 commission slab with minimum 75,000 B.V. business is second leg. Rs. 2000- monthly. Royalty achievers with 2 to 5 royalty Rs. 4500- per month.                       Terms and Conditions - 1. One who is getting leadership Bonus will have to buy poducts monthly as follow - On 30     slab Rs. 1000- on 2 to 5 Royalty slab Rs. 1500- 2. Leadership Bonus will be payable from second month of qualifying. 3. Maximum one Bonus will be given in one time. 4. Leadership Bonus will be applicable on continuation of your business to the same level.            ATTRIBUTES OF LEADERSHIP -       If you are a leader who can be trusted, then those around you will grow to respect you. To be such leader. There is a Leadership Framework to guide you.            BE KNOW DO    FOR RAYALTY -           1st Group 2nd Group Royalty of 1st Group 3,60,000 1,20,000 2 3,60,000 1,50,000 2.5 3,60,000 1,80,000 3 3,60,000 2,20,000 3.5 3,60,000 3,00,000 4 3,60,000 3,60,000 5   Terms and Conditions - Royalty will be calculated on difference basis and distributor shall be entitled for royalty on achieving business as per above table and fulfillment of condition as mentioned here under have to ........ 1. Purchase product for minimum Rs. 1500 in every month. 2. Participate minimum two meeting every month and minimum 25 in a year as assigned by the company. In the absence of assignment the distributor shall take meeting after obtaining the approval of the company. 3. Attain one minimum LDP in every month. 4. Any other condition for which deemed to be beneficial in the interest of business as a whole. 5. Your royalty and LDB will be calculated from any two bigger gruop. It may be AB or BC or AC.        LEADER DEVELOPMENT BONUS -           Rank First Group Second Group LDB Motivator 3,60,000 B.V 3,60,000 B.V 1 Senior Motivator 5,00,000 B.V 4,50,000 B.V 2       Terms and Conditions - Leadership Development Bonus LDB will be continued on different basis and distributor shall be entitle for LDB on achieving business as per above table and fulfillment of conditions as mentioned here under, distributors have to..... 1. Purchase SHC Products for minimum Rs. 2500- in every month. 2. If the Distributor retain their both leg business A3,60,000 B.V. & B3,60,000 B.V. continued for three months, then Motivator commission will be payable. 3. There will not be any condition restrict for Senior Motivator like Motivator.        MOTIVATOR BONUS -           Rank B.V. Percentage EXECUTIVE In second leg more than 10,00,000 1 SILVER In second leg more than 20,00,000 2 PEARL In second leg more than 50,00,000 3 EMRALD In second leg more than 1 crore 4 GOLD In second leg more than 2 crore 5       1. This commission will be calculated on difference basis. 2. On reaching Gold the Distributor will be liable to get 1 royalty of total turnover of the company.        POWER INCOME of C -                       &bull NOTE - 1. This income is calculated only on Joining BV's. 2. Distributor will get the 10 of joining BV's within green color leg.   &bull Distributor will get this power income on his C-leg and C's-A, B, C leg and so on.   &bull  From Cs where 10 income is generated i.e on Green C's A, B, 'U' will get 10 till unlimited depth.   &bull From C's A,B and c distributor will get 2 of joining BV's and from 'C' s C distributor will get 2 of joining BVs till 5th "C" and from A and B will get income 2 of joining Bvs from unlimited depth.   &bull The C's C will be consider as 1st "C" and 'U' will get this 2 income upto 5th "C" on each C generated within this "C".   &bull Know you Company Organization, Example where to go for help, its Climate and Culture, who the unofficial leaders are.                       Consider Above fig U will get income as per the following From his C, will get 10 of joining BV and C's A, B he will also get 10 of joining BVs as shown in blue colour till unlimited depth. And from Cs A, B he will get 2 of joining BV till unlimited depth and from Cs C will get 2 of joining BV till 5th C   Rewards will be consider only from first C of U, where 10 income generated to U.        AWARD & REWARDS -           Sr. No. Fresh BVs Gift Within no of Month 1 20000 Color Mobile Worth - 1500- 1 Month 2 40000 DVD Player Worth - 2500- 1 Month 3 80000 Color T.V. Worth - 6000- 2 Month 4 150000 Laptop Worth - 20000- 2 Month 5 300000 Hero Honda Worth - 40000- 3 Month 6 600000 5000 for one years 4 Month 7 1200000 10000 for 2 years 4 Month 8 2500000 Maruti Alto Worth - 280000- 6 Month 9 5000000 20000 for 2 years 6 Month 10 10000000 30000 for 3 years 9 Month 11 20000000 40000 for 4 years 9 Month 12 40000000 50000 for 6 years  12 Month 13 80000000 50000 for 10 years 12 Month 14 150000000 75000 for 15 years 18 Month 15 300000000 100000 for 25 years 24 Month               Smart Home Care Business Linited   Head Office - 1301A-3,GIDC Estate, P.O - Halol, Dist. Panchmahal, Gujarat - 389350  Phone 91-2676225722 Fax 91-2676225278  E-mail  Web Promoter Mr Choudhary Mob 91 7439135012.

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