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Only single Registration Per Mobile Number, E-mail ID are allowed.CALL SOON FOR JOING httpuniquegain.com CALL 0897687176309819080201 mail me detail- mlmleader.leadergmail.com                                 httpmmmsahyogbank.blogspot.comp11292012-clarification-on-new-year.html?spreffb call 09619005464, 08976871763 for join no-1 plan www.mmmindia.in  mmindia.inhttpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.in httpmmmindiahelp.blogspot.in httpmmmindiahelp.blogspot.inCALLvivek singh 08976871763www.mmmindia.in Call 0961900546408976871763 09619005464 0897687176 www.mmmindia.in JOIN SOON JAMMU KASHMIR, SHRINAGAR HIMACHAL PRADESH, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH, PUNJAB SHIMLA, UTTARPRADESH LAKHNOW BIHAR PATNA, WEST BENGAL, CALCUTTA, SIKKIM, GANGTOK, AASAM DISPUR, GUWAHATI, NAGALAND KOHIMA AGARTALA ORRIISSA BHUVNESHWAR MAHARASHTRA RAJASTHAN GUJRAT KARNATAKA hyderabad, karimnagar, MANIPUR, IMPHAL, SURAT DELHI, SHILONG, SILIGUDI, KANPUR, BANGALORE, JAIPUR, MADHYAPRADESH BHOPAL MEGALAYA, TRIPURA TRIVENDRUM COYAMBTORE ANDHRAPRADESH TAMILNADU KERALA CALL SOON 08976871763, 09819080205Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad,Arunachal PradeshAssamDispurBiharPatnaChhattisgarhRaipurGoa  PanajiGujaratGandhinagarHaryanaChandigarhHimachal PradeshShimlaJammu and Kashmir SrinagarJharkhandRanchiKarnatakaBengaluruKeralaThiruvananthapuramMadhya PradeshBhopalMaharashtra MumbaiManipur ImphalMeghalayaShillongMizoramAizawl NagalandKohima OrissaBhubaneswarPunjabChandigarhRajasthanJaipurSikkimGangtokTamil NaduChennaiTripuraAgartala Uttar PradeshLucknowUttarakhand DehradunWest BengalKolkataAndaman and Nicobar IslandsChandigarhDadra and Nagar HaveliDaman and DiuDelhi  Lakshadweep  PuducherryDelhiPuducherry Pondicherry kanpur, surat,  nashik, barelly, jodhpur, bhilwara, ahmedabad, bilaspur, pune, solapur, kolhapur,jalgaon, dehradun,sangli, baroda, valsad,noida, navi mumbai, punjab, jalandhar, amritsar, bangalore, guvahati, vizag, vishakhapatnam, trissur, jalpaigudi ,unnao and rest of all india call full support www.mmmindia.in 09619005464, 08976871763 call sooon or sms  .... 1 1 30 5000- l  ... &hellip 0961900546408976871763&hellip 50 &hellip.. , , Ponzi scheme -1- , 2- 1 1 30 5000- l 3- 4 ID 4- 5000 - 50,000- 5- WITHDRAWAL 500- 4 5 l6- WITHDRAW 1 7- DIRECT REFERRAL 10 1st Level- 3, 2nd Level- 1, 3rd Level- 0.5, 4th Level- 0.25, 5th Level onwards- 0.18- 263 LINK- httpwww.alexa.comsiteinfosergey-mavrodi.com 0961900546408976871763 l Mr. Aleksei Muratov - call 0961900546408976871763MMM 2011 &ldquo &rdquo MMM-2011 11 January 2011 Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi , , Ponzi scheme -The approximate rates at which MAVRO grows are&mdash30 per month compounding interest Regular MAVRO.40 per month compounding interest Three months Deposit.55 per month compounding interest Three months Super Profitable Deposit. 75 . - 30 .  &ndash &ldquo &rdquo , . . &ndash &ldquo , &rdquo  Mastermind &ldquo , , , &rdquo , , , MMM-2011  www.sergey-mavrodi.com   httpwww.i-mmm.com  , 82,300,000 . MMM-2011   ,   Mr. Aleksei Muratov - - Please send full details-3m.mlmleader.leadergmail.com-----------------------------------------------A BIG BOOM IN INDIA DONT MISS THIS CHANCE ------------------------------------------ 3,50,00000 Re ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME .ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME .mlmleader.leadergmail.com , .  . 90 . 2012 20,000 .  -------?   " " . . . . .  ?  2 1  2  1 ? . ? . ? ? . , , . , . 2 . . 6-8 . .  ... ????  ' .   mmmindia.in  . 5000 50,000 MMMINDIA . . 30 55 . 2 . . . BUY MOVRO .  . . 5000- 50,000- . for joining contact me hello friends mr. vivek singhmobile - 08976871763Email  3m.mlmleadergmail.com website  www.mmmindia.in 3,50,00000 Re ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME . , JOINING FREE............ ........PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEOhttpyoutu.bed8JHix0ClTs 30 55 ...... 55 31-12-2012 5000, 30 INTEREST 1 6500-3 13385-6 23853-12 1,13,299- WITHDRAW 5000, 40 INTEREST 3 13385-6 37061-12 2,73,103- WITHDRAW 5000- 30 5000- 1,13,299- ....------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ----- ID ID 55 -1- , 2- 1 1 30 5000- 3- 4 ID 4- 5000 - 50,000- 5- WITHDRAWAL 500- 4 5 6- WITHDRAW 1 7- DIRECT REFERRAL 10 1st Level- 3, 2ndLevel- 1, 3rd Level- 0.5, 4th Level- 0.25, 5th Level onwards- 0.18- 446 LINK-httpwww.alexa.comsiteinfosergey-mavrodi.comAlexa Traffic Rank Reputation446Global Rank16Rank in RU5,757Sites Linking In9- VALUE 780378.1 USD -LINK-httpwww.websoutlook.comwww.sergey-mavrodi.com10- FULL DETAIL RULES -LINK- httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrules0-11 REGISTRATION FREE .... ..... . .... - E-MAIL ID, NAME, DOB. 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WEBSITE- httpwww.mmmindia.inWORKINNG WEBSITE- https2012.sergey-mavrodi.com , JOINING FREE............ ........ - vivek08976871763MAIL- mlmleader.leadergmail.complease watch the videohttpyoutu.bed8JHix0ClTsDear Friends, If you want to join. please follow this process Step - 1 visit Here for Submit your details httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.compsubmit-form.html Step - 2 We register your account without any cost within 24 hours. after received your details Step - 3 You get conformation mail after registration from recovermmm-post.com Step - 4 Activate your account - Visit for "How to Activate your account" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inphow-to-join.html Step - 5 Add your Bank account - visit for "How to add your bank account" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inpadd-your-bank-account.html Step - 6 Buy Mavro Invest your Free amount as Mavro - Click Here for "Buy Mavro" Step - 7 Check your mavro - visit for "Check your Earnings" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inphow-to-buy-mavro.html Your acount opening is completed. you login your account and see your earning in "Mavro" section. Wait for received your earning in your bank account. if you have any problem  Contact me  MLMLEADER.LEADERGMAIL.COMhttpwww.mmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.com VIKRAM SINGH 08976871763 INTEREST ?4, 5 6. SYSTEM 30, 40 55 INTEREST ? SYSTEM MMM. SOCIAL SYSTEM MMM GLOBAL MUTUAL AID FUND www.mmmindia.in httpswww.facebook.comMMMindia.in  2 LINES MMM SOCIAL SYSTEM MONEY ROTATION SYSTEM BUTTON GIVE HELP GET HELP. SIGNUP LOGIN GIVE HELP PROMISE 10000 GIVE HELP BUTTON 10000 30, 40 55 CHOOSE , INTEREST 30 REQUEST PARTICIPANT 10000 PARTICIPANT , , , MMM TRANSFER INTEREST WITHDRAW 10000 13000 httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrates0-28currentday 10000, 40 INTEREST 3 , 3 27440 WITHDRAW 10000, 55 INTEREST 3 , 3 37238 WITHDRAW 30 40 55 COMPOUNDING INTEREST REFERRAL 10 JOIN 1. Name2. G-MAIL ID E-MAIL ID G-MAIL , ID 3. Mobile No.4. sms me-08976871763 MMM INDIA   SYSTEM RUSSIA MR.SERGEY MAVRODIhttpsergey-mavrodi.com RUSSIA MMM POLITICAL PARTY MMM INDIA - - sms me-08976871763Right time Right concept Right System join soon www.mmmindia.in call for joining 08976871763 ,  JOINING FREE............  ........ httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vAXP0Gbvedyshttpwww.youtube.comwatch?vwo1wcQZCOCUhttpwww.youtube.comwatch?v42x0kNqcLOohttpwww.youtube.comwatch?vAXP0Gbvedys -  vivek singh mumbai0897687176309619005464JOIN  1. Name 2. G-MAIL ID E-MAIL ID G-MAIL , ID G-MAIL ID  3. Mobile No. 4. CITY    vivek singh 8976871763 100 Manager Mr.vivek singh 09819080201 9 AM &ndash 11PM  JOIN FREE HURRY UP  SYSTEM RUSSIA MR.SERGEY MAVRODI httpsergey-mavrodi.com  RUSSIA MMM POLITICAL PARTY  MMM INDIA -   ,  JOINING FREE............  ........ httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vwo1wcQZCOCU -  vivek singh mumbai 981908020108976871763------ -----  SYSTEM RUSSIA MR.SERGEY MAVRODI httpsergey-mavrodi.com   MMM INDIA - - MEMBER   - 1- ,  2- 1 1 30 5000-  3- 4 ID  4- 5000 - 50,000-  5- WITHDRAWAL 500- 4 5  6- WITHDRAW 1  7- DIRECT REFERRAL 10 1st Level- 3, 2nd Level- 1, 3rd Level- 0.5, 4th Level- 0.25, 5th Level onwards- 0.1 8-  9- VALUE 780378.1 USD -LINK- httpwww.websoutlook.comwww.sergey-mavrodi.com 10- FULL DETAIL RULES -LINK- httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrules0-11   REGISTRATION FREE .... ..... . ....  - E-MAIL ID GMAIL ONLY..................NAME..................MOB. NO..................  WEBSITE- httpwww.mmmindia.in WORKINNG WEBSITE- https2012.sergey-mavrodi.com  -   VIVEK SINGH100 MANAGER MMM INDIA 08976871763MAIL- MLMLEADER.LEADERGMAIL.COM  - -   SOCIAL SYSTEM- GLOBAL MUTUAL AID FUND  MMM INDIA - Home www.mmmindia.in "Everyone knows that this is impossible. But then comes an ignorant person. who does not know this - and makes a discovery. - MMM INDIA 4   SYSTEM RUSSIA  MR.SERGEY MAVRODI colorgreenhttpsergey-mavrodi.com  RUSSIA MMM POLITICAL PARTY  MMM INDIA -   - colorb ,  JOINING FREE............  ........ httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vwo1wcQZCOCU -  VIVEK SINGH MUMBAI098190802010897687176309619005464...8- 315 LINK-httpwww.alexa.comsiteinfosergey-mavrodi.com Vivek 09619005464 httpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.in  l Mr. Aleksei Muratov -  httpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.inCall - Vivek chouhan 0897687176309619005464httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vQI07sbrypnQhttpwww.youtube.comwatch?featureplayerdetailpage&vlFx9dxUCxTchttpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.inhttpwww.youtube.comwatch?featureplayerdetailpage&vlFx9dxUCxTc1. Bhilai seminar ... httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vd8JHix0ClTs&featureplayerembedded2. UNIVERSAL STUDIOS produced Full Length English Motion Picture on the bio-graphy of Sergey-Mavoridy -httpwww.youtube.comwatch?featureplayerdetailpage&vlFx9dxUCxTc3. MMM's Own Russian News TV Channel -httpwww.facebook.comphoto.php?v4505601972501 MMM .... -1. l2. l3. MMM l4. l5. ... ACTIVATE ?6. MAVRO ?7. MAVRO ?8. 'GIVE HELP' request ?9. MMM SMS MMM 'GIVE HELP' l10. HELP l11. AName of personBBank nameCAc numDIfsc codeEBranch name12. 10 l13. MMM ?14. MMM l15. l -16. 100 1000 l17. , HELP DEPOSIT ?18. ID BLOCK l19. 'GET HELP' MMM ? ... l20. NET BANKING l MMM , -09819080201 08976871763 ... ... ... l httpmmmindiahelp.blogspot.inAndhra Pradesh, Hyderabad,Arunachal PradeshAssamDispurBiharPatnaChhattisgarhRaipurGoa  PanajiGujaratGandhinagarHaryanaChandigarhHimachal PradeshShimlaJammu and Kashmir SrinagarJharkhandRanchiKarnatakaBengaluruKeralaThiruvananthapuramMadhya PradeshBhopalMaharashtra MumbaiManipur ImphalMeghalayaShillongMizoramAizawl NagalandKohima OrissaBhubaneswarPunjabChandigarhRajasthanJaipurSikkimGangtokTamil NaduChennaiTripuraAgartala Uttar PradeshLucknowUttarakhand DehradunWest BengalKolkataAndaman and Nicobar IslandsChandigarhDadra and Nagar HaveliDaman and DiuDelhi  Lakshadweep  PuducherryDelhiPuducherry Pondicherry kanpur, surat,  nashik, barelly, jodhpur, bhilwara, ahmedabad, bilaspur, pune, solapur, kolhapur,jalgaon, dehradun,sangli, baroda, valsad,noida, navi mumbai, punjab, jalandhar, amritsar, bangalore, guvahati, vizag, vishakhapatnam, trissur, jalpaigudi ,unnao and rest of all india call full support www.mmmindia.in 09619005464, 08976871763 call sooon or sms httpmmmsahyogbank.blogspot.comp11292012-clarification-on-new-year.html?spreffb call 09619005464, 08976871763 for join no-1 plan www.mmmindia.in  mmindia.inhttpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.in httpmmmindiahelp.blogspot.in httpmmmindiahelp.blogspot.inCALLvivek singh 08976871763www.mmmindia.in Call 0961900546408976871763 09619005464 0897687176 www.mmmindia.in JOIN SOON JAMMU KASHMIR, SHRINAGAR HIMACHAL PRADESH, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH, PUNJAB SHIMLA, UTTARPRADESH LAKHNOW BIHAR PATNA, WEST BENGAL, CALCUTTA, SIKKIM, GANGTOK, AASAM DISPUR, GUWAHATI, NAGALAND KOHIMA AGARTALA ORRIISSA BHUVNESHWAR MAHARASHTRA RAJASTHAN GUJRAT KARNATAKA hyderabad, karimnagar, MANIPUR, IMPHAL, SURAT DELHI, SHILONG, SILIGUDI, KANPUR, BANGALORE, JAIPUR, MADHYAPRADESH BHOPAL MEGALAYA, TRIPURA TRIVENDRUM COYAMBTORE ANDHRAPRADESH TAMILNADU KERALA CALL SOON 08976871763, 09819080205Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad,Arunachal PradeshAssamDispurBiharPatnaChhattisgarhRaipurGoa  PanajiGujaratGandhinagarHaryanaChandigarhHimachal PradeshShimlaJammu and Kashmir SrinagarJharkhandRanchiKarnatakaBengaluruKeralaThiruvananthapuramMadhya PradeshBhopalMaharashtra MumbaiManipur ImphalMeghalayaShillongMizoramAizawl NagalandKohima OrissaBhubaneswarPunjabChandigarhRajasthanJaipurSikkimGangtokTamil NaduChennaiTripuraAgartala Uttar PradeshLucknowUttarakhand DehradunWest BengalKolkataAndaman and Nicobar IslandsChandigarhDadra and Nagar HaveliDaman and DiuDelhi  Lakshadweep  PuducherryDelhiPuducherry Pondicherry kanpur, surat,  nashik, barelly, jodhpur, bhilwara, ahmedabad, bilaspur, pune, solapur, kolhapur,jalgaon, dehradun,sangli, baroda, valsad,noida, navi mumbai, punjab, jalandhar, amritsar, bangalore, guvahati, vizag, vishakhapatnam, trissur, jalpaigudi ,unnao and rest of all india call full support www.mmmindia.in 09619005464, 08976871763 call sooon or sms  .... 1 1 30 5000- l  ... &hellip 0961900546408976871763&hellip 50 &hellip.. , , Ponzi scheme -1- , 2- 1 1 30 5000- l 3- 4 ID 4- 5000 - 50,000- 5- WITHDRAWAL 500- 4 5 l6- WITHDRAW 1 7- DIRECT REFERRAL 10 1st Level- 3, 2nd Level- 1, 3rd Level- 0.5, 4th Level- 0.25, 5th Level onwards- 0.18- 263 LINK- httpwww.alexa.comsiteinfosergey-mavrodi.com 0961900546408976871763 l Mr. Aleksei Muratov - call 0961900546408976871763MMM 2011 &ldquo &rdquo MMM-2011 11 January 2011 Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi , , Ponzi scheme -The approximate rates at which MAVRO grows are&mdash30 per month compounding interest Regular MAVRO.40 per month compounding interest Three months Deposit.55 per month compounding interest Three months Super Profitable Deposit. 75 . - 30 .  &ndash &ldquo &rdquo , . . &ndash &ldquo , &rdquo  Mastermind &ldquo , , , &rdquo , , , MMM-2011  www.sergey-mavrodi.com   httpwww.i-mmm.com  , 82,300,000 . MMM-2011   ,   Mr. Aleksei Muratov - - Please send full details-3m.mlmleader.leadergmail.com-----------------------------------------------A BIG BOOM IN INDIA DONT MISS THIS CHANCE ------------------------------------------ 3,50,00000 Re ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME .ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME .mlmleader.leadergmail.com , .  . 90 . 2012 20,000 .  -------?   " " . . . . .  ?  2 1  2  1 ? . ? . ? ? . , , . , . 2 . . 6-8 . .  ... ????  ' .   mmmindia.in  . 5000 50,000 MMMINDIA . . 30 55 . 2 . . . BUY MOVRO .  . . 5000- 50,000- . for joining contact me hello friends mr. vivek singhmobile - 08976871763Email  3m.mlmleadergmail.com website  www.mmmindia.in 3,50,00000 Re ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME . , JOINING FREE............ ........PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEOhttpyoutu.bed8JHix0ClTs 30 55 ...... 55 31-12-2012 5000, 30 INTEREST 1 6500-3 13385-6 23853-12 1,13,299- WITHDRAW 5000, 40 INTEREST 3 13385-6 37061-12 2,73,103- WITHDRAW 5000- 30 5000- 1,13,299- ....------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ----- ID ID 55 -1- , 2- 1 1 30 5000- 3- 4 ID 4- 5000 - 50,000- 5- WITHDRAWAL 500- 4 5 6- WITHDRAW 1 7- DIRECT REFERRAL 10 1st Level- 3, 2ndLevel- 1, 3rd Level- 0.5, 4th Level- 0.25, 5th Level onwards- 0.18- 446 LINK-httpwww.alexa.comsiteinfosergey-mavrodi.comAlexa Traffic Rank Reputation446Global Rank16Rank in RU5,757Sites Linking In9- VALUE 780378.1 USD -LINK-httpwww.websoutlook.comwww.sergey-mavrodi.com10- FULL DETAIL RULES -LINK- httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrules0-11 REGISTRATION FREE .... ..... . .... - E-MAIL ID, NAME, DOB. MOBILE NO. WEBSITE- httpwww.mmmindia.inWORKINNG WEBSITE- https2012.sergey-mavrodi.com , JOINING FREE............ ........ - vivek08976871763MAIL- mlmleader.leadergmail.complease watch the videohttpyoutu.bed8JHix0ClTsDear Friends, If you want to join. please follow this process Step - 1 visit Here for Submit your details httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.compsubmit-form.html Step - 2 We register your account without any cost within 24 hours. after received your details Step - 3 You get conformation mail after registration from recovermmm-post.com Step - 4 Activate your account - Visit for "How to Activate your account" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inphow-to-join.html Step - 5 Add your Bank account - visit for "How to add your bank account" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inpadd-your-bank-account.html Step - 6 Buy Mavro Invest your Free amount as Mavro - Click Here for "Buy Mavro" Step - 7 Check your mavro - visit for "Check your Earnings" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inphow-to-buy-mavro.html Your acount opening is completed. you login your account and see your earning in "Mavro" section. Wait for received your earning in your bank account. if you have any problem  Contact me  MLMLEADER.LEADERGMAIL.COMhttpwww.mmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.com VIKRAM SINGH 08976871763 INTEREST ?4, 5 6. SYSTEM 30, 40 55 INTEREST ? SYSTEM MMM. SOCIAL SYSTEM MMM GLOBAL MUTUAL AID FUND www.mmmindia.in httpswww.facebook.comMMMindia.in  2 LINES MMM SOCIAL SYSTEM MONEY ROTATION SYSTEM BUTTON GIVE HELP GET HELP. SIGNUP LOGIN GIVE HELP PROMISE 10000 GIVE HELP BUTTON 10000 30, 40 55 CHOOSE , INTEREST 30 REQUEST PARTICIPANT 10000 PARTICIPANT , , , MMM TRANSFER INTEREST WITHDRAW 10000 13000 httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrates0-28currentday 10000, 40 INTEREST 3 , 3 27440 WITHDRAW 10000, 55 INTEREST 3 , 3 37238 WITHDRAW 30 40 55 COMPOUNDING INTEREST REFERRAL 10 JOIN 1. Name2. G-MAIL ID E-MAIL ID G-MAIL , ID 3. Mobile No.4. sms me-08976871763 MMM INDIA   SYSTEM RUSSIA MR.SERGEY MAVRODIhttpsergey-mavrodi.com RUSSIA MMM POLITICAL PARTY MMM INDIA - - sms me-08976871763Right time Right concept Right System join soon www.mmmindia.in call for joining 08976871763 ,  JOINING FREE............  ........ httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vAXP0Gbvedyshttpwww.youtube.comwatch?vwo1wcQZCOCUhttpwww.youtube.comwatch?v42x0kNqcLOohttpwww.youtube.comwatch?vAXP0Gbvedys -  vivek singh mumbai0897687176309619005464JOIN  1. Name 2. G-MAIL ID E-MAIL ID G-MAIL , ID G-MAIL ID  3. Mobile No. 4. CITY    vivek singh 8976871763 100 Manager Mr.vivek singh 09819080201 9 AM &ndash 11PM  JOIN FREE HURRY UP  SYSTEM RUSSIA MR.SERGEY MAVRODI httpsergey-mavrodi.com  RUSSIA MMM POLITICAL PARTY  MMM INDIA -   ,  JOINING FREE............  ........ httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vwo1wcQZCOCU -  vivek singh mumbai 981908020108976871763------ -----  SYSTEM RUSSIA MR.SERGEY MAVRODI httpsergey-mavrodi.com   MMM INDIA - - MEMBER   - 1- ,  2- 1 1 30 5000-  3- 4 ID  4- 5000 - 50,000-  5- WITHDRAWAL 500- 4 5  6- WITHDRAW 1  7- DIRECT REFERRAL 10 1st Level- 3, 2nd Level- 1, 3rd Level- 0.5, 4th Level- 0.25, 5th Level onwards- 0.1 8-  9- VALUE 780378.1 USD -LINK- httpwww.websoutlook.comwww.sergey-mavrodi.com 10- FULL DETAIL RULES -LINK- httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrules0-11   REGISTRATION FREE .... ..... . ....  - E-MAIL ID GMAIL ONLY..................NAME..................MOB. NO..................  WEBSITE- httpwww.mmmindia.in WORKINNG WEBSITE- https2012.sergey-mavrodi.com  -   VIVEK SINGH100 MANAGER MMM INDIA 08976871763MAIL- MLMLEADER.LEADERGMAIL.COM  - -   SOCIAL SYSTEM- GLOBAL MUTUAL AID FUND  MMM INDIA - Home www.mmmindia.in "Everyone knows that this is impossible. But then comes an ignorant person. who does not know this - and makes a discovery. - MMM INDIA 4   SYSTEM RUSSIA  MR.SERGEY MAVRODI colorgreenhttpsergey-mavrodi.com  RUSSIA MMM POLITICAL PARTY  MMM INDIA -   - colorb ,  JOINING FREE............  ........ httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vwo1wcQZCOCU -  VIVEK SINGH MUMBAI098190802010897687176309619005464...8- 315 LINK-httpwww.alexa.comsiteinfosergey-mavrodi.com Vivek 09619005464 httpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.in  l Mr. Aleksei Muratov -  httpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.inCall - Vivek chouhan 0897687176309619005464httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vQI07sbrypnQhttpwww.youtube.comwatch?featureplayerdetailpage&vlFx9dxUCxTchttpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.inhttpwww.youtube.comwatch?featureplayerdetailpage&vlFx9dxUCxTc1. Bhilai seminar ... httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vd8JHix0ClTs&featureplayerembedded2. UNIVERSAL STUDIOS produced Full Length English Motion Picture on the bio-graphy of Sergey-Mavoridy -httpwww.youtube.comwatch?featureplayerdetailpage&vlFx9dxUCxTc3. MMM's Own Russian News TV Channel -httpwww.facebook.comphoto.php?v4505601972501 MMM .... -1. l2. l3. MMM l4. l5. ... ACTIVATE ?6. MAVRO ?7. MAVRO ?8. 'GIVE HELP' request ?9. MMM SMS MMM 'GIVE HELP' l10. HELP l11. AName of personBBank nameCAc numDIfsc codeEBranch name12. 10 l13. MMM ?14. MMM l15. l -16. 100 1000 l17. , HELP DEPOSIT ?18. ID BLOCK l19. 'GET HELP' MMM ? ... l20. NET BANKING l MMM , -09819080201 08976871763 ... ... ... l httpmmmindiahelp.blogspot.inAndhra Pradesh, Hyderabad,Arunachal PradeshAssamDispurBiharPatnaChhattisgarhRaipurGoa  PanajiGujaratGandhinagarHaryanaChandigarhHimachal PradeshShimlaJammu and Kashmir SrinagarJharkhandRanchiKarnatakaBengaluruKeralaThiruvananthapuramMadhya PradeshBhopalMaharashtra MumbaiManipur ImphalMeghalayaShillongMizoramAizawl NagalandKohima OrissaBhubaneswarPunjabChandigarhRajasthanJaipurSikkimGangtokTamil NaduChennaiTripuraAgartala Uttar PradeshLucknowUttarakhand DehradunWest BengalKolkataAndaman and Nicobar IslandsChandigarhDadra and Nagar HaveliDaman and DiuDelhi  Lakshadweep  PuducherryDelhiPuducherry Pondicherry kanpur, surat,  nashik, barelly, jodhpur, bhilwara, ahmedabad, bilaspur, pune, solapur, kolhapur,jalgaon, dehradun,sangli, baroda, valsad,noida, navi mumbai, punjab, jalandhar, amritsar, bangalore, guvahati, vizag, vishakhapatnam, trissur, jalpaigudi ,unnao and rest of all india call full support www.mmmindia.in 09619005464, 08976871763 call sooon or sms  httpmmmsahyogbank.blogspot.comp11292012-clarification-on-new-year.html?spreffb call 09619005464, 08976871763 for join no-1 plan www.mmmindia.in  mmindia.inhttpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.in httpmmmindiahelp.blogspot.in httpmmmindiahelp.blogspot.inCALLvivek singh 08976871763www.mmmindia.in Call 0961900546408976871763 09619005464 0897687176 www.mmmindia.in JOIN SOON JAMMU KASHMIR, SHRINAGAR HIMACHAL PRADESH, HARYANA, CHANDIGARH, PUNJAB SHIMLA, UTTARPRADESH LAKHNOW BIHAR PATNA, WEST BENGAL, CALCUTTA, SIKKIM, GANGTOK, AASAM DISPUR, GUWAHATI, NAGALAND KOHIMA AGARTALA ORRIISSA BHUVNESHWAR MAHARASHTRA RAJASTHAN GUJRAT KARNATAKA hyderabad, karimnagar, MANIPUR, IMPHAL, SURAT DELHI, SHILONG, SILIGUDI, KANPUR, BANGALORE, JAIPUR, MADHYAPRADESH BHOPAL MEGALAYA, TRIPURA TRIVENDRUM COYAMBTORE ANDHRAPRADESH TAMILNADU KERALA CALL SOON 08976871763, 09819080205Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad,Arunachal PradeshAssamDispurBiharPatnaChhattisgarhRaipurGoa  PanajiGujaratGandhinagarHaryanaChandigarhHimachal PradeshShimlaJammu and Kashmir SrinagarJharkhandRanchiKarnatakaBengaluruKeralaThiruvananthapuramMadhya PradeshBhopalMaharashtra MumbaiManipur ImphalMeghalayaShillongMizoramAizawl NagalandKohima OrissaBhubaneswarPunjabChandigarhRajasthanJaipurSikkimGangtokTamil NaduChennaiTripuraAgartala Uttar PradeshLucknowUttarakhand DehradunWest BengalKolkataAndaman and Nicobar IslandsChandigarhDadra and Nagar HaveliDaman and DiuDelhi  Lakshadweep  PuducherryDelhiPuducherry Pondicherry kanpur, surat,  nashik, barelly, jodhpur, bhilwara, ahmedabad, bilaspur, pune, solapur, kolhapur,jalgaon, dehradun,sangli, baroda, valsad,noida, navi mumbai, punjab, jalandhar, amritsar, bangalore, guvahati, vizag, vishakhapatnam, trissur, jalpaigudi ,unnao and rest of all india call full support www.mmmindia.in 09619005464, 08976871763 call sooon or sms  .... 1 1 30 5000- l  ... &hellip 0961900546408976871763&hellip 50 &hellip.. , , Ponzi scheme -1- , 2- 1 1 30 5000- l 3- 4 ID 4- 5000 - 50,000- 5- WITHDRAWAL 500- 4 5 l6- WITHDRAW 1 7- DIRECT REFERRAL 10 1st Level- 3, 2nd Level- 1, 3rd Level- 0.5, 4th Level- 0.25, 5th Level onwards- 0.18- 263 LINK- httpwww.alexa.comsiteinfosergey-mavrodi.com 0961900546408976871763 l Mr. Aleksei Muratov - call 0961900546408976871763MMM 2011 &ldquo &rdquo MMM-2011 11 January 2011 Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi , , Ponzi scheme -The approximate rates at which MAVRO grows are&mdash30 per month compounding interest Regular MAVRO.40 per month compounding interest Three months Deposit.55 per month compounding interest Three months Super Profitable Deposit. 75 . - 30 .  &ndash &ldquo &rdquo , . . &ndash &ldquo , &rdquo  Mastermind &ldquo , , , &rdquo , , , MMM-2011  www.sergey-mavrodi.com   httpwww.i-mmm.com  , 82,300,000 . MMM-2011   ,   Mr. Aleksei Muratov - - Please send full details-3m.mlmleader.leadergmail.com-----------------------------------------------A BIG BOOM IN INDIA DONT MISS THIS CHANCE ------------------------------------------ 3,50,00000 Re ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME .ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME .mlmleader.leadergmail.com , .  . 90 . 2012 20,000 .  -------?   " " . . . . .  ?  2 1  2  1 ? . ? . ? ? . , , . , . 2 . . 6-8 . .  ... ????  ' .   mmmindia.in  . 5000 50,000 MMMINDIA . . 30 55 . 2 . . . BUY MOVRO .  . . 5000- 50,000- . for joining contact me hello friends mr. vivek singhmobile - 08976871763Email  3m.mlmleadergmail.com website  www.mmmindia.in 3,50,00000 Re ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME . , JOINING FREE............ ........PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEOhttpyoutu.bed8JHix0ClTs 30 55 ...... 55 31-12-2012 5000, 30 INTEREST 1 6500-3 13385-6 23853-12 1,13,299- WITHDRAW 5000, 40 INTEREST 3 13385-6 37061-12 2,73,103- WITHDRAW 5000- 30 5000- 1,13,299- ....------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ----- ID ID 55 -1- , 2- 1 1 30 5000- 3- 4 ID 4- 5000 - 50,000- 5- WITHDRAWAL 500- 4 5 6- WITHDRAW 1 7- DIRECT REFERRAL 10 1st Level- 3, 2ndLevel- 1, 3rd Level- 0.5, 4th Level- 0.25, 5th Level onwards- 0.18- 446 LINK-httpwww.alexa.comsiteinfosergey-mavrodi.comAlexa Traffic Rank Reputation446Global Rank16Rank in RU5,757Sites Linking In9- VALUE 780378.1 USD -LINK-httpwww.websoutlook.comwww.sergey-mavrodi.com10- FULL DETAIL RULES -LINK- httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrules0-11 REGISTRATION FREE .... ..... . .... - E-MAIL ID, NAME, DOB. MOBILE NO. WEBSITE- httpwww.mmmindia.inWORKINNG WEBSITE- https2012.sergey-mavrodi.com , JOINING FREE............ ........ - vivek08976871763MAIL- mlmleader.leadergmail.complease watch the videohttpyoutu.bed8JHix0ClTsDear Friends, If you want to join. please follow this process Step - 1 visit Here for Submit your details httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.compsubmit-form.html Step - 2 We register your account without any cost within 24 hours. after received your details Step - 3 You get conformation mail after registration from recovermmm-post.com Step - 4 Activate your account - Visit for "How to Activate your account" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inphow-to-join.html Step - 5 Add your Bank account - visit for "How to add your bank account" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inpadd-your-bank-account.html Step - 6 Buy Mavro Invest your Free amount as Mavro - Click Here for "Buy Mavro" Step - 7 Check your mavro - visit for "Check your Earnings" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inphow-to-buy-mavro.html Your acount opening is completed. you login your account and see your earning in "Mavro" section. Wait for received your earning in your bank account. if you have any problem  Contact me  MLMLEADER.LEADERGMAIL.COMhttpwww.mmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.com VIKRAM SINGH 08976871763 INTEREST ?4, 5 6. SYSTEM 30, 40 55 INTEREST ? SYSTEM MMM. SOCIAL SYSTEM MMM GLOBAL MUTUAL AID FUND www.mmmindia.in httpswww.facebook.comMMMindia.in  2 LINES MMM SOCIAL SYSTEM MONEY ROTATION SYSTEM BUTTON GIVE HELP GET HELP. SIGNUP LOGIN GIVE HELP PROMISE 10000 GIVE HELP BUTTON 10000 30, 40 55 CHOOSE , INTEREST 30 REQUEST PARTICIPANT 10000 PARTICIPANT , , , MMM TRANSFER INTEREST WITHDRAW 10000 13000 httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrates0-28currentday 10000, 40 INTEREST 3 , 3 27440 WITHDRAW 10000, 55 INTEREST 3 , 3 37238 WITHDRAW 30 40 55 COMPOUNDING INTEREST REFERRAL 10 JOIN 1. Name2. G-MAIL ID E-MAIL ID G-MAIL , ID 3. Mobile No.4. sms me-08976871763 MMM INDIA   SYSTEM RUSSIA MR.SERGEY MAVRODIhttpsergey-mavrodi.com RUSSIA MMM POLITICAL PARTY MMM INDIA - - sms me-08976871763Right time Right concept Right System join soon www.mmmindia.in call for joining 08976871763 ,  JOINING FREE............  ........ httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vAXP0Gbvedyshttpwww.youtube.comwatch?vwo1wcQZCOCUhttpwww.youtube.comwatch?v42x0kNqcLOohttpwww.youtube.comwatch?vAXP0Gbvedys -  vivek singh mumbai0897687176309619005464JOIN  1. Name 2. G-MAIL ID E-MAIL ID G-MAIL , ID G-MAIL ID  3. Mobile No. 4. CITY    vivek singh 8976871763 100 Manager Mr.vivek singh 09819080201 9 AM &ndash 11PM  JOIN FREE HURRY UP  SYSTEM RUSSIA MR.SERGEY MAVRODI httpsergey-mavrodi.com  RUSSIA MMM POLITICAL PARTY  MMM INDIA -   ,  JOINING FREE............  ........ httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vwo1wcQZCOCU -  vivek singh mumbai 981908020108976871763------ -----  SYSTEM RUSSIA MR.SERGEY MAVRODI httpsergey-mavrodi.com   MMM INDIA - - MEMBER   - 1- ,  2- 1 1 30 5000-  3- 4 ID  4- 5000 - 50,000-  5- WITHDRAWAL 500- 4 5  6- WITHDRAW 1  7- DIRECT REFERRAL 10 1st Level- 3, 2nd Level- 1, 3rd Level- 0.5, 4th Level- 0.25, 5th Level onwards- 0.1 8-  9- VALUE 780378.1 USD -LINK- httpwww.websoutlook.comwww.sergey-mavrodi.com 10- FULL DETAIL RULES -LINK- httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrules0-11   REGISTRATION FREE .... ..... . ....  - E-MAIL ID GMAIL ONLY..................NAME..................MOB. NO..................  WEBSITE- httpwww.mmmindia.in WORKINNG WEBSITE- https2012.sergey-mavrodi.com  -   VIVEK SINGH100 MANAGER MMM INDIA 08976871763MAIL- MLMLEADER.LEADERGMAIL.COM  - -   SOCIAL SYSTEM- GLOBAL MUTUAL AID FUND  MMM INDIA - Home www.mmmindia.in "Everyone knows that this is impossible. But then comes an ignorant person. who does not know this - and makes a discovery. - MMM INDIA 4   SYSTEM RUSSIA  MR.SERGEY MAVRODI colorgreenhttpsergey-mavrodi.com  RUSSIA MMM POLITICAL PARTY  MMM INDIA -   - colorb ,  JOINING FREE............  ........ httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vwo1wcQZCOCU -  VIVEK SINGH MUMBAI098190802010897687176309619005464...8- 315 LINK-httpwww.alexa.comsiteinfosergey-mavrodi.com Vivek 09619005464 httpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.in  l Mr. Aleksei Muratov -  httpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.inCall - Vivek chouhan 0897687176309619005464httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vQI07sbrypnQhttpwww.youtube.comwatch?featureplayerdetailpage&vlFx9dxUCxTchttpmmmkiduniya.blogspot.inhttpwww.youtube.comwatch?featureplayerdetailpage&vlFx9dxUCxTc1. Bhilai seminar ... httpwww.youtube.comwatch?vd8JHix0ClTs&featureplayerembedded2. UNIVERSAL STUDIOS produced Full Length English Motion Picture on the bio-graphy of Sergey-Mavoridy -httpwww.youtube.comwatch?featureplayerdetailpage&vlFx9dxUCxTc3. MMM's Own Russian News TV Channel -httpwww.facebook.comphoto.php?v4505601972501 MMM .... -1. l2. l3. MMM l4. l5. ... ACTIVATE ?6. MAVRO ?7. MAVRO ?8. 'GIVE HELP' request ?9. MMM SMS MMM 'GIVE HELP' l10. HELP l11. AName of personBBank nameCAc numDIfsc codeEBranch name12. 10 l13. MMM ?14. MMM l15. l -16. 100 1000 l17. , HELP DEPOSIT ?18. ID BLOCK l19. 'GET HELP' MMM ? ... l20. NET BANKING l MMM , -09819080201 08976871763 ... ... ... l httpmmmindiahelp.blogspot.inAndhra Pradesh, Hyderabad,Arunachal PradeshAssamDispurBiharPatnaChhattisgarhRaipurGoa  PanajiGujaratGandhinagarHaryanaChandigarhHimachal PradeshShimlaJammu and Kashmir SrinagarJharkhandRanchiKarnatakaBengaluruKeralaThiruvananthapuramMadhya PradeshBhopalMaharashtra MumbaiManipur ImphalMeghalayaShillongMizoramAizawl NagalandKohima OrissaBhubaneswarPunjabChandigarhRajasthanJaipurSikkimGangtokTamil NaduChennaiTripuraAgartala Uttar PradeshLucknowUttarakhand DehradunWest BengalKolkataAndaman and Nicobar IslandsChandigarhDadra and Nagar HaveliDaman and DiuDelhi  Lakshadweep  PuducherryDelhiPuducherry Pondicherry kanpur, surat,  nashik, barelly, jodhpur, bhilwara, ahmedabad, bilaspur, pune, solapur, kolhapur,jalgaon, dehradun,sangli, baroda, valsad,noida, navi mumbai, punjab, jalandhar, amritsar, bangalore, guvahati, vizag, vishakhapatnam, trissur, jalpaigudi ,unnao and rest of all india call full support www.mmmindia.in 09619005464, 08976871763 call sooon or sms ..CALLvivek singh 08976871763www.mmmindia.inMMM 2011 &ldquo &rdquo MMM-2011 11 January 2011 Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi , , Ponzi scheme -The approximate rates at which MAVRO grows are&mdash30 per month compounding interest Regular MAVRO.40 per month compounding interest Three months Deposit.55 per month compounding interest Three months Super Profitable Deposit. 75 . - 30 .  &ndash &ldquo &rdquo , . . &ndash &ldquo , &rdquo  Mastermind &ldquo , , , &rdquo , , , MMM-2011  www.sergey-mavrodi.com   httpwww.i-mmm.com  , 82,300,000 . MMM-2011   ,   Mr. Aleksei Muratov - - Please send full details-3m.mlmleadergmail.com    -----------------------------------------------A BIG BOOM IN INDIA DONT MISS THIS CHANCE ------------------------------------------    3,50,00000 Re ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME .                    ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME . mlmleader.leadergmail.com     , .  .              90 . 2012 20,000 .  -------?   " " . . . . .  ?  2 1  2  1 ? . ? . ? ? . , , . , . 2 . . 6-8 . .  ... ????  ' .   mmmindia.in  . 5000 50,000 MMMINDIA . . 30 55 . 2 . . . BUY MOVRO .  . . 5000- 50,000- . for joining contact me hello friends mr. vivek singhmobile - 08976871763Email  3m.mlmleadergmail.com website  www.mmmindia.in  3,50,00000 Re ONLY INTRESTED PERSONS CONTACT FOR FREE JOINING. EARN FIX MONTHLY INCOME . , JOINING FREE............  ........PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEOhttpyoutu.bed8JHix0ClTs   30 55 ...... 55 31-12-2012   5000, 30 INTEREST 1 6500-3  13385-6 23853-12 1,13,299-   WITHDRAW   5000, 40 INTEREST 3  13385-6 37061-12 2,73,103-    WITHDRAW   5000, 55 INTEREST 3  18020-6 67918-12 9,15,064-   WITHDRAW   30 40 55 COMPOUNDING INTEREST 5000-   ..... 5000-   30  5000- 1,13,299- ....------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------   ----- ID ID 55 -1- , 2- 1 1   30 5000-   3- 4 ID 4-  5000 - 50,000- 5- WITHDRAWAL 500- 4 5 6- WITHDRAW 1 7- DIRECT REFERRAL 10   1st Level- 3, 2ndLevel- 1, 3rd Level- 0.5, 4th Level- 0.25, 5th Level onwards- 0.18- 446 LINK-httpwww.alexa.comsiteinfosergey-mavrodi.comAlexa Traffic Rank      Reputation 446Global Rank 16Rank in RU5,757Sites Linking In9- VALUE  780378.1 USD -LINK-httpwww.websoutlook.comwww.sergey-mavrodi.com10- FULL DETAIL RULES -LINK- httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrules0-11  REGISTRATION  FREE   .... ..... .   .... -  E-MAIL ID, NAME, DOB. MOBILE NO.   WEBSITE- httpwww.mmmindia.inWORKINNG WEBSITE- https2012.sergey-mavrodi.com , JOINING FREE............  ........ - vivek08976871763MAIL- mlmleader.leadergmail.complease watch the videohttpyoutu.bed8JHix0ClTs  YouTube - Videos from this email     30 ,50 I  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- , sergey-mavrodi     30 50 ...... 95 31-12-2012 5000- ..... 5000- 30 5000 - 1,13,299- ....  -       - ....... - ID, , MOB. NO. , D.O.B. CITY AND STATE MAIL-MLMLEADER.LEADERGMAIL.COMp.n.-08976871763  www.mmmindia.in  Dear Friends, If you want to join. please follow this process Step - 1 visit Here for Submit your details httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.compsubmit-form.html Step - 2 We register your account without any cost within 24 hours. after received your details Step - 3 You get conformation mail after registration from recovermmm-post.com Step - 4 Activate your account - Visit for "How to Activate your account" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inphow-to-join.html Step - 5 Add your Bank account - visit for "How to add your bank account" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inpadd-your-bank-account.html Step - 6 Buy Mavro Invest your Free amount as Mavro - Click Here for "Buy Mavro" Step - 7 Check your mavro - visit for "Check your Earnings" httpmmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.inphow-to-buy-mavro.html Your acount opening is completed. you login your account and see your earning in "Mavro" section. Wait for received your earning in your bank account. if you have any problem  Contact me  MLMLEADER.LEADERGMAIL.COMhttpwww.mmmindiamlmjob.blogspot.com VIKRAM SINGH  08976871763 INTEREST ? 4, 5 6. SYSTEM 30, 40 55 INTEREST ? SYSTEM MMM. SOCIAL SYSTEM MMM GLOBAL MUTUAL AID FUND www.mmmindia.in  httpswww.facebook.comMMMindia.in  2 LINES MMM SOCIAL SYSTEM MONEY ROTATION SYSTEM BUTTON GIVE HELP GET HELP. SIGNUP LOGIN GIVE HELP PROMISE 10000 GIVE HELP BUTTON 10000 30, 40 55 CHOOSE , INTEREST 30 REQUEST PARTICIPANT 10000 PARTICIPANT , , , MMM TRANSFER INTEREST WITHDRAW 10000 13000 httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrates0-28currentday 10000, 40 INTEREST 3 , 3 27440 WITHDRAW 10000, 55 INTEREST 3 , 3 37238 WITHDRAW 30 40 55 COMPOUNDING INTEREST   REFERRAL 10 JOIN 1. Name 2. G-MAIL ID E-MAIL ID G-MAIL , ID 3. Mobile No. 4. sms me-08976871763 MMM INDIA   SYSTEM RUSSIA MR.SERGEY MAVRODI httpsergey-mavrodi.com RUSSIA MMM POLITICAL PARTY MMM INDIA - - sms me-08976871763Right time Right concept Right System join soon www.mmmindia.in call for joining 08976871763TODAY YOU HELP SOMEONE, TOMORROW YOU WILL BE HELPED OUT  The system of MMM is based on Give and Get help Just start with your Free money which u not going to use in the feature and put it in your Bank, Home or somewhere you like then see the magic... Join with your Name..........................Mobile Number .........................and G Mail id........................  And select your Mavro for example 10,000 Mavro on that Free 10,000 Mavro you will get 30 growth per month now a request to give help will come on your Back Office From 1st of november request for transfer will be up to 100 So u'll get a request to transfer 10,000 INR to the person who need help the detail will be on your website back office. so now u start earning 30 on your Mavro 3000 INR profit in the 1st month. After 30 days you can place your request to Sell Mavro Get help Now u have earned 13,000 which you can Withdraw or you can withdraw your 10,000 and remaining 3000 will grow at the rate of 30 monthly.You can lock your Money for 3 month and it will grow at the rate or 40 monthly. and so on... To calculate your earning go to httpwww.mmmindia.inindexrates0-28currentday  Manager and Referral bonuses will be calculated on full amount deposited, BUT ONLY AFTER CONFIRMATION OF MAVRO. You can request to withdraw the amount the same date of confirmation. 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