www.1adclick.net 7200 me 1500week teel 144 week 04-06-2011 Name Chetan pidhadiya .. Leader Mobile No. 9714148485      GOOD NEWS FOR ALL SENIOR LEADERS... SOME GOOD EARNED TOP LEADERS GOING TO START NEW SURVEY COMPANY IN THE NAME OF "www.1adclick.net" . WELCOME TO ALL INDIA TOP LEADERS TO GRAB THIS OPPORTUNITY. BEST OFFERS FOR U.....    ONLINE MARKET RESEARCH & SURVEY   YOUR HOME BASED BUSINESS PLAN 1. It is india originated survey company which gives survey of popular brand national and international products and services. 2. The survey comes on every Monday and Friday for one week to do.It takes only 5-10 minweek to do the survey. REGISTRATION CHARGE Rs 250- valid for 1 life time but within month top-up is compulsory to get the survey and other income benefits. OUR PACKAGES PACKAGE A  Rs.1199-  Only one time, valid for  72 Weeks PACKAGE B  Rs.3597-  Only one time, valid for  96 Weeks PACKAGE C  Rs.7194-  Only one time, valid for 144Weeks SURVEY INCOME   Package A---  For Every Topic You Get Rs.200- Per Week. There Are Two topics in a weekly survey. For 72 Weeks. His Is Sure Amount You Earn Rs.14400- In 72 Weeks  Package B&mdashFor Every Topic You Get Rs.700- Per Week. There Are Two topics in a weekly survey. For   96 Weeks. His Is Sure Amount You Earn Rs.67200- In 96 Weeks Package C&mdash For Every Topic You Get Rs.1500- Per Week. There Are Two topics in a weekly survey. For  144 Weeks.His Is Sure Amount You Earn RS.216000-In 144 Weeks   Note SURVEY Locking period date of Topup Survey to 7 days for survey & after 7 days Survey  Income will be start.   DIRECT INCOME  10 For All Package. This is given to the sponsor only for one time fo each joining  SURVEY LEVEL INCOME LEVEL Level Income 1 10 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 1 6 0.50 7 0.50 8 0.50 9 0.50 10 0.50 11 0.50 12 0.50 13 0.50 14 0.50 15 0.50 Binary Income  15 This is given for all joining 11 pair.  Unlimited amount from your Direct and Binary Income can be generated. Weekly Capping  For Package A Rs. 35000- and for B & C Package  Rs.75000- For Binary Income, two sponsoring is must. Binary Referral Matching Will Start From The Date Of Self Top Up Only,   PE-LAUNCHING  REWARDS NEW BONANZA START   21 Pairs Mobile 51 Pairs - LCD TV 99 Pairs LAPToP 199 Pairs - BIKE   399 pairs - gold1 lac  1111 pairs - alto car  2222 pairs -Swift 5555 pairs - tata safari  11111 pairs - Fortuner  22222 pairs-FLAT 50LACS  44444 pairs - CASH 1 CRORE   Time limit 1 june to 30 June 2011 All rewads are next basis    NOTE   Binary and direct income closing every saturday mid night and same time atomaticly your payout transfer in e-wallet.  - Ads comes on every wednesday midnight and close on saturday midnight.  - Ads income closing every saturday mid night and same time atomaticly your payout transfer in e-wallet.  - Ads income after e-wallet use payout weekly automatically transfer in your bank account within a week.  - Weekly Bank transfer direct, binary and ads Income payout.  - Ads Level Income closing monthly basis - Monthly Bank transfer Ads Level Income payout.  - E-Wallet fund transfer minimum 500- - Minimum payout bank transferred only above Rs.1000- bank transferred weekly  - All rewards are next basis - Deduction 10.3 tds & 9.7 handling charges on all incentive.  CONTACT FOR DETAILS                         CHETAN M PIDHADIYA  contect me 9909658232  EMAIL CHETAN.S47GMAIL.COM  TOP POSITION AWAILEBAL   4 LEADER 5 UP TO DISCOUNT         LIMITED PIREAD