HURRY CAL NOW -8427639816  HURRY UP LEADERS JOIN THIS LINK NOW BECAUSE  BLAST NEWS FOR ALL MLM LEADERS  REAL USA BASE 20 YRS OLD BIG COMPANY   SYNTEK GLOBAL INC.   httpwww.syntekglobal.comWORLDWIDE LEADER IN FUEL ADDITIVESSUCCESSFULLY  RUN 8 COUNTRIES  U.S.A , Australia , Canada, Ghana , Italy , United Kingdom , New Zealand, JamaicaNow launch in FEB-2012 in "INDIA"WITH UNIQUE & BEST PRODUCT  Benefits Of The Product 1. INCREASES FUEL MILEAGE AND ECONOMY BY 15 - 25  2.    PROLONGS ENGINE LIFE AND REDUCES WEAR 3.    IMPROVES VEHICLE PERFORMANCE 4.    REDUCES HARMFUL EMISSIONS AND POLLUTION BY 33 History Of The Product Sold  for over 2 decades 20 YEARS in the Global industrial market to large corporations in 55-gallon drums Recently re-packaged in smaller amounts and released to the general public Multi-patented Technology developed for NASA Based on a Nobel Prize winning chemistry Recognition for The Product  EPA registered EPA SmartWay Transport Partner Participating MemberEco-Visionary Award Product Confidence Proven safe and effective100 30-day Money-back guaranteeTime-tested for 20 years, 2.5 Billion miles and 65 Million hours of successful operation Multi-million dollar insurance policy against engine damage No claims in 20 years No alcohol, kerosene, or other chemicals detrimental to engine partsUniversally tested Governments, Corporations, Universities, Laboratories, Independents and ConsumersTo get the same benefits as XFT you would have to buy several fuel products spending up to 20 times moreThousands of consumer and commercial testimonials spanning 20 years Product Components · COMBUSTION CATALYST &ndash Extends the burn rate of fuel during combustion to provide a more complete burn resulting in increased gas mileage, fewer harmful emissions and less carbon buildup on engine parts.·  DETERGENTS &ndash Removes harmful deposits from fuel pumps, injectors and throughout the fuel system.·   LUBRICANTS &ndash Provides lubrication to pistons, fuel pumps and injectors, reducing friction and prolonging the working life of the engine.·   FUEL STABILIZER&ndash Prolongs the life of stored fuel ideal for seldom used equipment.·  POLYMERIZATION RETARDANT & DISPERSANTS &ndash Reduces sludge build-up in fuel which can plug filters.·  RUST and CORROSION INHIBITOR &ndash Prevents tank and fuel system corrosion caused by oxidation and condensation.·  DEMULSIFIER&ndash Helps remove water from fuel. Chemistry - How it works Burn rate modifier lowers the ignition point of the fuel giving a 50 longer, cleaner burn in the engine.Burning more of the fuel in the engine increases mileage and performance while reducing un-burned emissions Using the Product. Establish your vehicle baseline average miles per tank.  Measure your increase in miles per tank.Use before you fill up Double treat your first 3 tanks ½ OZ per 20 Gallons Single treatment after 3rd fill up 14 OZ per 20 GallonsDrop down to lower octane for additional savings Who can benefits using Syntek Global's Xtreme Fuel Treatment? All your Engines, both two and four cycle that uses Petrol Gasoline or Diesel to run can benefit from Syntek Global's XFT or Xtreme Fuel Treatment   Except Airplane Engines working on this  Large industrial companies like Mining Contractors, Transport Vehicle Owner&rsquos,Cars &bull Pickups &bull Heavy Trucks &bull Buses &bull Yard Equipment &bull Motorcycles &bullSnowmobiles &bull ATV&rsquos &bull Boats &bull RV&rsquos &bull Generators &bull Farm Equipment &bull ConstructionEquipment etc&hellipMany of the above are already using XFT & believe that the best of all engine fuel additives is Syntek Global's XFT or Xtreme Fuel Treatment  The Company HQ  ·  Headquarters in Draper, Utah. USA·  Launched this product in MLM from  October of 2008·  st year annual revenue was 25 Million dollars 100 debt-free·   Privately owned with no stockholders or board of directors·  Rapid Global expansion into several International Markets including·  Syntek Global Annual International Convention has come out with some amazing information The company has grown by almost 400 in the year 2011 alone     1st-     Curt Ence - Chief Financial Officer, VP of Product Research & Development2nd -  Joel Theler - Chief Operations Officer3rd-    John Winterholler - President & CEO 4th -     Kirk Newman - Chief Marketing Officer  Joining options - There are 3 Starter Kits1  Beginner Starter Kit-  Rs6000-  50 PV - Kit Includes 3 2 oz 177 ml . bottles, training manual, and sales brochures.2  PRO Starter Kit- Rs.17000- 250 PV - Kit Includes 10 2 oz.591 ml bottles, 12 Foil Packs of XFT, training manual, and sales brochures.3 MVP Starter Kit  Rs 33500- 500 PV - Kit Includes 20 2 oz. 1183 ml bottles, 36 Foil Packs of XFT, training manual, sales brochures, and promotional materials. excluding  local tax 10.3 plus shipping and handling & bank charges Compensation Plan8 Ways to Earn Big  Money 1. Customer Retail Commissions paid  - 25 We have an 85 retention rate  2. Fast Start Bonus Direct sponsor income Rs.500- bonus for the purchase of an Intro. Starter Kit 6000 Rs.1250- bonus for the purchase of an Infinity Starter Kit 17000 Rs.2500- bonus for the purchase of an MVP Business Builder Kit 33500 3. Infinity Bonus Program  Infinity Bonus 1250RS2500RSYour 3rd ownward sponsor distributer of 1st & 2nd legs & there 1st & 2nd legs upto inlimited depth of PRO Starter Kit- &  MVP Starter Kit  4. Team Commissions Binary Matching - 10 Matching Income of BV Turnover 20 lacs per month caping5. MVP Check Match Commissions - 6 to 8   up to 7 generation deep6. MVP Rank Bonuses &ndashSapphire&bull - Custom Syntek Global Watch Ruby&bull - A 47&rdquo Flat Screen TV Emerald&bull - Leadership Fly-In to Corporate Office Diamond&bull - Custom Syntek Global Diamond Watch Blue Diamond&bull - 25000-allowance for Car Program 7. Leadership Bonus Pools &ndash 3 Of Syntek Worldwide Turnover 8. Multiple Business Centers &ndash 20 lacs per month caping on three ids    Please Watch These Videos now this link & enjoy super power  company website       9878429816 

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