WIN FREE BITCOINS LIFETIMEFREE JOINING CLICK ADS, WATCH VIDEOS DAILY JOIN FREE FOREVER AND EARN THOUSANDS DOLLARS INBITCOIN REALLY. Introduction. 1. It is not mlm company.It is a bitcoin currency business forexcited income opportunity worldwide. 2. Not any sponsoring must for anyone but if you sponsor you can earn 7 extra from your all downline earnings. 3. Free forever 4. Not any investment or upgrading must for free members. 5. Not any product have to buy or sell must for any members. 6. Not any computer or ip address band for more sigup or registe orwork for earn.. 7. Not min payout is required for withdraw.payout date is on every 15every month. 8. Earn unlimited 24 hours x7 days daily whole day whole night up to 365 days. 9. 24x7days support available worldwide for your any query or questionreply by mail.10. worldwide work available. 11. Legal company worldwide. HOW TO JOIN OR REGISTER OR SIGNUP FOR EARN. 1. First click on this link for join on after open page by link click on join button and click oncontinue and see and note your 33 digit user id and passwordshow and and click on confirm and your upline user id will showand fill your EMAIL ID IN BOX AND CLICK REGISTER AND SEE AND SAVE YOUR OWN USER NAME OF 33 LETTER 13 LETTERPASSWORD FOR LOGIN SAVE IT IN YOUR COMPUTER IN NOTPAD OR WORDPAD,OR IN YOUR EMAIL IDFOR LOGIN AND NEXT YOU HAVE TO ACTIVATE YOUR PROJECT ID FOR LOGIN. O.K YOU HAVE DONE YOUR SIGNUP. NOW U HAVE TO ACTIVATE YOUR ID FOR EARN 50,000- 24 23 1 5 750 1000 NDTV ? JOIN NOW JOINING BITBILLIONS.COM signin earning 5 1.bitcoinrewards.com2.bitfeud.com3.iwantacar.com4.trackmyurl.com5.gbbgware ACTIVATE,, JOINING POINT signin MEMBER AREA desktop,account,basics,refferals,getcash,getpoints, transperency GETPOINTS MYPOINT WATCHVIDEO WATCHVIDEO 23seconds 0 GETBACKRETURN BACK O.K.Click here the u upgrade your id by 30 pay to it site of co founder get 10profit share life time min 100 to 500 can be start in near futureand payment start when all co founder seat fill and make a id on for get payment and add it id on your account on wallet updatecall me on 09572359655How to activate project after signnup for earnpoint for income, how to upgrade, how to withdraw money- After signupfirst of all you have to login and CLICK ONEARNING MENU and CLICK one by one all project id for activate and forearn point -,,www.mybitcoinrewards.comfirst click activate and give same user id andpassword and same email id and click on join and next see it is loginor not properly it not again signup by same user id and password .next one by one same process activate all project id. HOW TO EARN POINT FOR EARN FOR INCOME- Login by sameuser id and same password and CLICK On GET POINT and see 23 secondvideo for make earn point as soon as 23 second timer will end clickback and click 1 point and you shall earn 1 point for free members.and for premier member who upgrade project id by pay 5 monthly willearn 10 point on every click. How many ad have to click daily or monthly- There is not any band orfixed for how many ad of video have to click daily or monthly but itis 24 hours x7daysx365 days ad click available for click so it isyour choice how many ad wants to you click daily or monthly. moremore ad you click and makes more GBBG POINT EACH MONTH for moreearning. you can click on any project for click on or Not any band orrestriction for ad click or make point on all project id.You can makepoint on any one or any two or all project for ad click of 23 secondeach click it is totally your choice. Note- For join your Referral link for join in your link id to yourfriends click on desktop menu on on see your linkand copy your referal link and paste it on address bar for join inyour link.NOTEIT IS NOT MLM COMPANY AND NOT SPONSORING MUST MUST IT IS SECRETPROJECT AND BITCOIN CURRENCY BUSINSS WORLDWIDE AND CLOUD TECHNOLOGYAND BANKING TECHNOLOGY FOR UNBELIVLE CHANGING AND UNBELIEVE INCOMEOPPORTUNITY FOR LIFE TIME.AND NOW IS ONLY INTRODUCTION ABOUT OURCOMPANY MY MAIN PROJECT IS CLOUD AND BANKING TECHNOLOGY WHICH WILLCOME AFTER SOME MONTH FOR EVERYTHING CHANGING IN WORLD FOR EARN MOREAND MORE REVENUE SHARES EACH MONTH SURELY.HOW MUCH YOUR EARNING IS POSSIBLE - It is fully depend on 1. companyprofit of each month 2.Your own GBBG POINT FROM PROJECT WORK. SO Youhave to make more and more point each month for more profit shareincome.And it is sure and final that co founder of all 6715 memberswill be earn more and more times for life time than all freemembers.all paid members will be earn handsone income surely of eachmonth. If example company earn total 100000 in bitcoin currency then10 will go to founder members and 10 go to co- founders members andrest 30 will go to all free members.There are 3 types of income 1.Direct referal income 2. free members monthly matrix bonus income 3.upgraded income of co founders project founder matrixmonthly matrix income. It be divided in according to your each monthpoint. 7 matrix bonus from all direct sponsoring all level up to7th level . imaginge suppose u sponsor only 5 person in free membersand your all direct 5 person or indirect person sponsor 1000 membersthen you shall earn 7 referal bonus from your all level members. Ifsuppose your sponsors only 10 direct or indirect person and all ifeveryone earns 100 in bitcoins x10 1000 in bitcoin then you shallearn 7 your all total downline you shall get 70 bitcoin inparticular month. suppose if you sponsors more person then supposewhat you are going to earn from your downline and extra you now earn per co founder member upgraded commission 12in bitcoin point in your blockchain id on 15 of next month will bepaid if you have already upgraded in founder position.It is rule thatyou only get per person 12 dollar by only your first level only if youupgrade your id before your 1st level downline or both upgrade in samemonth then you shall get 12 dollars per members of co foundercommission until all 6715 co founder end only it commission availableonly . Note For all members of YOUR PAYMENT WILL BESTART WHEN ALL SEAT OF CO FOUNDERS WILL BE END. SEE NOW HOW MANY CO FOUNDERS SEATIS AVAILABLE DESKTOP MENU ON CO FOUNDERS SEAT REMAINING NOW.BECAUSE IT IS DEVELOPING COMPANY WILL BE WORK OR RUN FOR LONG ANDLONG TIME SURELY LIKE GOOGLE,FACEBOOK,TWITTER ETC AS BIG COMPANY. Note- I think all co - founders 6715 position seat will end up to inmarch 2014 and it is final that when all seat will end ofco-founders then our point earning income will be surely start forpayout on next month of 15 one who already make GBBG POINT in hisheraccount in point menu on and one who not makes anypoint till date have to make point first then they wiill be paid outin next month. what will be each click income for co founder and free members-Itwill be decided afterall co founder of 6715 seat fill but it is final that all paid memberswill be earn good income surely. Note - Each hour anybody makes easily 60 to 75 point in if clickdaily only one hour only SEE YOUR PRESENT POINT ON transparency pagemenu of project id where you are making point. HOW TO EARN POINT IN first login by same user idand password and CLICK on AD PAGE and SUBMIT NUMBER AS A MAHEMETICALL AS 2?5 FILL IN BOX 3 and GET ENTRY AND scroll down and CLICK oneAD in many ad and wait some second and 23 second you see your entry iscounting and when 23second timer completed return back and choose any25 k or 50 k or 100 k assignment and or click on any assignment forone entry.ok you get 1 point for free members and premier members willget 10 point for one click. ok If you wants to join in your link to your friends get your user id on click on on desktop menu and copy your referal id and paste it on address bar for join your friend in your link. How TO EARN POINT IN - fully same processrepeat as above NOTE- each month point shows on on every 5th andon project id point will be zero there and only show present monthpoint. NOTE- It is not must for making point on all project work . you canearn in anyone project only or you can earn point on all project workit is your fully choice not any band or must for making point in allproject. PAYMENT DATE IS EACH MONTH on every 15th of working project income ofpoint earning one who upgraded in your downline in co-founder or anyproject id both.Note-every free and paid members will be paid according to each monthon 15 bitcoin rate which will be payout.Bitcoin currency rates isdaily ups and is 1 bitcoin rates is 750 to 1000 for last 3month and some.It has chance to grow 1 bitcoin rates in last of 2014up to 3500 so we wiill be paid on every 15 of each month according toon 15 dates of bitcoin rates. HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR FREE MEMBER TO CO FOUNDER -It is one time feeonly 30 for upgrade for life time First login andclick on Account menu and click on upgrade which in GREEN COLOUR forco founder and will be processing start for upgrade in co founderchoose anyone processor. There are only two process for send amountfor upgrade 1. By bitcoin currency balance 2. By paypal dollarsbalance. Note-If you upgrade co founder position by pay you shall getlife time profit share of company profit of 10 according to youreach month GBBG POINT will be share in your each month profit.It maybe handsome and royal income after some time surely for life time.Andyou can definitely earn more and more than free members surely.Note -click on desktop menu and see how many co founder seat available andkeep in mind that when all co founder seat will be fill then all cofounders member all free members of working payment will be startsurely. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have choose for upgrade by bitcoin click on bitpay and seeyour user id for confirm that is right properly that is your user idand there a LINK FOR send money by bitcon a wallet id show on CLICK ONVIEW and COPY THAT WALLET ID AND PASTE on your payment processor onsend money on wallet address and enter 30 in besides and click sendand get confirmation message for you have paid for co founder forupgraded.And your Id will show within 24 to 48 hours free member to cofounder. If you have to choose for upgrade by paypal- you should be balance inyour paypal account for upgrade you account. you have to make a id on any bitcoin wallet onwww.blockchain.infowalletnew Give choice password and remember yourpassword surely AND confirm your mail id and get IDENTIFIER NUMBERFOR IT GOES IN YOUR MAIL ID LOGIN YOUR WALLET ID AND ADD your walletid on account section on update your wallet id . see your wallet idoafter login www.blockchain.infowalletlogin and see your my walletadderss and COPY it your wallet id and paste it on account on allsites on and all project id where you are makingpoint for earning on account menu on wallet update surely. WHERE I BUY OR SELL BITCOIN IN INDIA-If you have not balance in yourbitcoin wallet in you can BUY OR SELL BITCOINEASILY.First signup on and verify your id in mail &submit scan copy of your ID PROOF ADDRESS PROOF AS PAN CARD ADDRESS PROOF AS AADHAR CARD OR DRIVING LICENCE, ELECTRICITY BILL,self photograph ETC AS A PROOF your all bank details as ac no ifscno account holder name etc. And after 2 to 3 days your id will beconfirm and you can buy or sell bitcoin from this www.unocoin.comeasily And you shall get INDIAN RUPEES IN YOUR BANK AC NO. NOte- itis working in guidance in Reserve Bank of India with all legalproccess. you can get it mob contact no on And if youwants to buy or sell bitcoin you CAN FIND IT SITE CONTACT MOBILENUMBER ON WWW.UNOCOIN.COM contact on this number for buy or sellbitcoin on0963272033308164011655. if u have not balance in your wallet of bitcoin currency you canexchange it if you have ALREADY dollars in any payment processor.signup any EXCHANGER site as OR CHOOSE ANY ANOTHER EXCHANGER SITE AS YOURCHOICE from dollars to bitcoin or anyexchange. if you have balance in your paypal account have to pay one time feeonly 38 for co founder upgrade fee. any query or any problem support is available of bymail on, and fortechnical problem support and for customer guideline or any querycontact any time on and send surely your user id for any query or if u want to changeyour or any project password and if you have forgotyour password you have to mail.And get all reply within 24 hourssurely except sunday get reply late. any problem mail me on my email id also on FOR JOIN OR ANY QUERY.

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