In Business Timing Is Everything Right Place Right Time Right Platform Right DecisionWith us, the timing is perfect.An Opportunity to join  MLM Company at root level.Company is going to launch tomorrow 15th May 2011.Joining Amount -RS.4200Product Promotion Income- RS.2800MonthReferal Income- Rs.300300Binary Income- RS.500Sponsored Benifit- 10 of Downline Product Pramotionfor additional offer pls contact 830911132e-mail ypgupta.lucknowgmail.comGreat Opportunity for MLM Leaders to join strong group of members. &ldquoThe poor, the unsuccessful, the unhappy, the unhealthy are the ones who use the word "tomorrow" the most. Smart people don&rsquot work for money, they just do things which other people delay doing&rdquo-- Robert Kiyosaki