Vestige Marketing Plan
| 03 January, 2015 | 1242 | 3980
Welcome Vestige Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
Join VestigeVestige Enrichment plan has been designed to be an equal business opportunity for all those who get associated with Vestige. The Enrichment Plan ensures that you earn in proportion to the efforts and provides leadership bonuses and pool income. These incomes are further enhanced by combining the downlines performances so that it is always beneficial to create more leaders in your group. As the downlines become successful, you become even more successful.
The Vestige Benefit
- Savings on consumption- 10 - 20%
- Retail Profit 10 - 20%
- Accumulative Performance Bonus 5 - 20%
- Director Bonus 14%
- Leadership Overriding Bonus 15%
- Car Fund 5%
- House Fund- 3%
- Travel Fund- 3%
Steps to Successful Entrepreneurship
- Be a regular user of products
- Earn by sharing the products
- Enrich by sharing the business
- Enrich yourself by enriching others
Join Now Today My Vestige, Contact Me: [email protected]