The Universal Multi State Credit Co-Operative Society Limited UMSCCSL or Society is a Multi State  Credit Co-operative Society, registered under Section 7 of Multi State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002 39 of 2002 ,Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Govt. of India vide Registration Number of the Society is MSCSCR7452013    The UMSCCSL abides by the Multi State Credit Co-operative Societies Act, 2002 and all broad outlines as under- Engaged in the activities of raising and maintaining Recurring Deposits, Fixed Deposits and providing Loans under various schemes among its members but not amounting to Banking as defined in the terms of The Banking Regulation Act, 1949.a An individual competent to contract under section 11 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. b  Multi-State Co-operative Society or any Co-operative Societies.c The Central Government.d The State Government .e The National Co-operative Development Corporation established under the National Co-operative  Development Corporation Act, 1962.Area  of  Operation  Present  area  of  Operation  of  the  Society  shall  be  confined  to  the  States of West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh only.  We  are  expecting  the  extended  area  of  operation in  Rajasthan,  Assam,  Chhattisgarh,  Bihar,  Jharkhand  and our  application  is  pending  before authority concern for approval TOP MEMBERSHIP -- 09143369080   09339489225Mailuniversalcredit8gmail.comHome LoanNeed help buying a home?Quick and easy home loans UMSCCSL puts an end to your Rural Housing Finance troubles. Rural Housing Loan is available as per the schemes of NABARD & NSB upto Rs. 5,00,000.Gold Loan. The rate of interest will be 1 to 2.5 per month.