Article Posting, Articles Provided by UK Client10 Seats per shift, 10 IDs8 hr shifts x 3 shifts x 26 days per monthRs 5- per article all inclusiveMonthly Billing Rs 5 x 10,000 articles per id x 10 IDs Rs 5,00,000 all inclusiveProvided by Client, Websites also provide & articlesPayment Cycle 15-Days, Weekly QC Reports Documents ReqCompany Profile in MS WordMS PPT format only no pdfCopies of Articles of Association, Memorandum of AssociationDirectors' Profiles along with a small write up on Management TeamDetails of all Data Entry Processes handled in the past Signing of Service Level Agreement with Client Training Provide clientMore Detail ContactYop Services8109838222, 8982415062, 9039808222join skype- yop.serviceswww.yopservices.comArticle Posting, Articles Provided by UK Client
10 Seats per shift, 10 IDs
8 hr shifts x 3 shifts x 26 days per month
Rs 5/- per article all inclusive
Monthly Billing Rs 5 x 10,000 articles per id x 10 IDs = Rs 5,00,000 all inclusive
Provided by Client, Websites also provide & articles
Payment Cycle 15-Days, Weekly QC Reports
Documents Req
Company Profile in MS Word/MS PPT format only (no pdf)
Copies of Articles of Association, Memorandum of Association
Directors' Profiles along with a small write up on Management Team
Details of all Data Entry Processes handled in the past
Signing of Service Level Agreement with Client
Training Provide client
More Detail Contact
Yop Services
8109838222, 8982415062, 9039808222
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