TheNextShop - Launched Globally on 8 Jan 2013 from India....Huge Earning Potential

Dear friend....Be ready for being the part of history Ready with more than 1,60,000 branded productson its shopping portal 100 Cash on delivery available Lowest price guaranteed Mobile and DTH recharge Railway booking Flight booking Amazing concept Life changing opportunity  Packages you can Buy - Gold package INR 11000-Or- Silver Package INR 6000- You will get same amount of discount points as per your package...Discount points you can use on many kind of products. Product Promotion Income You have to promote Thenextshop products by sending mails toyour friends, relatives etc.... Gold Package - you have to send 10 emails every week.Promotional income you will get 1000- 100- per email perweek for 36 weeks. Silver Package - you have to send 5 emails every week.Promotional income you will get 500- 100- per email perweek for 27 weeks. Performance income 1- Direct Referral Incentives If you sell Thenextshop packages,you will get direct income as per package - 1000500 forGoldSilver package 2 - Team Incentives You have to sell 2 direct packages, 1 in your left leg and 1 inyour right leg You will get 11 pair Binary  Per pair 1000- in case of Gold package Daily Capping 20 pairs 20000- Sub Package Team Incentives upto 2,88,000- per day Download the Business Presentation here httpmember.thenextshop.inTheNextShop20PPT.ppt Attractive offer for Top Leaders, contact me as soon as possible with your mobile no. at for more information and registration...Regards,Yogesh Subhanand 

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