Successfully completed 7 months of launching with 100 of member ids got renewal www.paisekiduniya.c

HiRu searching For genuine mlm company ? Stop searching here it isHiWelcome to the www.paisekiduniya.comHere we provide you the opportunity to strengthen their financial status with binary, Non working, working incomes. Here there is NO limit for earning. Just work in your part time and start earning from today.Successfully completed 7 months of launching with 100 of member ids got renewal www.paisekiduniya.comBinary Income 21 Rs500- or 11- Rs300 Daily withdrawlNon working Income Rs400- For 15 week From the Second Week of Joining.Working Income Rs3000-Fixed For 4 months Become Member to become the member of the Paise ki dhuniya by paying Rs2000- Two thousand rupees only as register fee's. Monthly fixed working income after becoming member in Paise ki duninya you will be given with a software in which the member has to do copy and paste work Every day the worker will be given 50 applications in excel format. For this copy paste work the member will be given Rs3000- fixed income. Non Working Income The member will be given every week Rs400- for 15 week from the 2nd week of joining. Binary Plan The member has to join 21 or 12 person in the 1st level of the tree for which he will be given Rs500-. After the 1st level for each 11 the member will be given Rs300- binary income will be given. Daily capping 25pairs as per daily closing time. Contact 8147158830

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  • 30 November, -0001
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