Sorry.. MLM Leaders are NOT required here..

 www.abcdfunds.comAssociate based crowd funding&hellipA concept to stay here as long as FilmTV industry exists in India&hellipLEADERS are definitely not required here to promote this concept&hellipAnyone who joins this amazing concept will become a LEADER after one month of joining&hellipFirst time in Indian History here is a DUAL MEMBERSHIP COCEPT.Associate Member AMEntertainment Industry Member EIMEIM is investing 100times more than AM&hellip Why & How? Just check&hellip www.abcdfunds.comReturns for Associate Members&hellipDaily 3 4 Virtual growth10 binary Income20 Direct referral income..No Capping&hellip Returns for Entertainment Industry Members&hellipMonthly ROI 10 for 11 Months ONLYTotal 120 returns at the end of 12 monthsNo Binary IncomeNo direct referral income.. It is a life time opportunity and first of its kind in INDIA which has blended MLM & Indian film industry to maximize the advantages of both Many producers, Financiers, distributors from HINDI FILMTV industry are part of this concept More than 33,000 registrations AM & EIM since 6 months&hellip The registrations are opening for producers, Financiers, distributors of OTHER Indian languages also from 25.11.2013 onwards... It is the time for you to earn GOOD money in an exciting & excellent MLM concept which is running since 6 months NON STOP in only Maharashtra and Karnataka.. No single Payout Problem till date&hellip No Fake IDs.. Earn BIG money & be eligible for a call from Producers, Financiers & distributors from Indian FilmTV production industry. No need to disclose any body the financial agreement between YOU & Film financiers Revenues from the theater segment through distribution rights of particular areadistrict, satellite and home-video rights, mobile and online rights, gaming on mobile and online platforms are shared with you and solely depend on your discussion with the financiers Investing your earnings from in media is optional & is left to your best judgment once you achieveGoldDiamond Manager level&hellip Now Register in & be the producer partner for a Bollywood Hindi Movie or any Indian Language movie                                                                                  or a TV serial SOON&hellip For registration use the following sponsor ID. You will get full Power leg support.RAJU369A LEFT,8904133293

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  • 30 November, -0001
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