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SINGLE LEG INCOME- Now every body will work in SINGLE LEG and your upline will also help you in earning Single Leg Income worth 1.00 Lac Or 1.20 Lacs in the following way- Condition 1 - Maximum Joinings & Minimum Directs Condition 2 - Minimum Joinings & Minimum Directs Condition 3 - Minimum Joinings Bonus for 500 Give Help Members Bonus for 2000 Give Help Members 100 Joinings & 2 Directs 150 Joinings & 1 Directs 200 Joinings Rs.500 Rs.600 200 Joinings & 4 Directs 300 Joinings & 2 Directs 400 Joinings Rs.1000 Rs.1200 300 Joinings & 6 Directs 450 Joinings & 3 Directs 600 Joinings Rs.1500 Rs.1800 400 Joinings & 8 Directs 600 Joinings & 4 Directs 800 Joinings Rs.2000 Rs.2400 500 Joinings & 10 Directs 750 Joinings & 5 Directs 1000 Joinings Rs.2500 Rs.3000 600 Joinings & 12 Directs 900 Joinings & 6 Directs 1200 Joinings Rs.3000 Rs.3600 700 Joinings & 14 Directs 1050 Joinings & 7 Directs 1400 Joinings Rs.3500 Rs.4200 800 Joinings & 16 Directs 1200 Joinings & 8 Directs 1600 Joinings Rs.4000 Rs.4800 900 Joinings & 18 Directs 1350 Joinings & 9 Directs 1800 Joinings Rs.4500 Rs.5400 1000 Joinings & 20 Directs 1500 Joinings & 10 Directs 2000 Joinings Rs.5000 Rs.6000 1100 Joinings & 26 Directs 1650 Joinings & 13 Directs 2200 Joinings Rs.6000 Rs.7200 1200 Joinings & 30 Directs 1800 Joinings & 15 Directs 2400 Joinings Rs.7000 Rs.8400 1300 Joinings & 36 Directs 1950 Joinings & 18 Directs 2600 Joinings Rs.8000 Rs.9600 1400 Joinings & 40 Directs 2100 Joinings & 20 Directs 2800 Joinings Rs.9000 Rs.10,800 1500 Joinings & 50 Directs 2250 Joinings & 25 Directs 3000 Joinings Rs.10,000 Rs.12,000 3000 Joinings & 76 Directs 4500 Joinings & 38 Directs 6000 Joinings Rs.15,000 Rs.18,000 5,000 Joinings & 100 Directs 7,500 Joinings & 50 Directs 10,000 Joinings Rs.20,000 Rs.24,000 10,000 Joinings & 200 Directs 15,000 Joinings & 100 Directs 20,000 Joinings Rs.30,000 Rs.36,000 20,000 Joinings & 500 Directs 30,000 Joinings & 250 Directs 40,000 Joinings Rs.40,000 Rs.48,000 30,000 Joinings & 1,000 Directs 45,000 Joinings & 500 Directs 60,000 Joinings Rs.50,000 Rs.60,000 50,000 Joinings & 2,000 Directs 75,000 Joinings & 1,000 Directs 1,00,000 Joinings Rs.75,000 Rs.90,000 1,00,000 Joinings & 5,000 Directs 1,50,000 Joinings & 2,500 Directs 2,00,000 Joinings Rs.1,00,000 Rs.1,20,000  FOR MAKING JOINING, YOU CAN PURCHASE REGISTRATION PIN WORTH Rs.500 FROM ANY JOINED MEMBER OF SINGLE SPEAK. AFTER JOINING, YOU WILL GET LINKS TO GIVE HELP OF Rs.500Rs.2000 WITHIN 2 TO 3 DAYS AS NUMBERS OF PERSON GIVING HELP ARE MORE AS COMPARED TO NUMBER OF PERSON TAKING HELP. 8054783498   NOTE - 1 YOU WILL GET HELP LINKS TO TAKE HELP WITHIN 12 HOURS OF REQUEST MADE. 2 AT PRESENT SYSTEM IS GIVING US GIVE HELP LINKS WITHIN 2 TO 3 DAYS AS PERSON TAKING HELP ARE VERY LESS AS COMPARED TO PERSONS GIVING HELP..... 3 You can call your uplines for any further assistance in best helping concept of Single Speak ......... 4 You can satisfy any one condition to take single leg income in Single Speak.......... 5 Only highest achieved single leg income will be credited in your account in Single Speak .........   CALL 8054783498 ANUPAM CHOUDHARY E-Mail  

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