Share Moments, Make Wealth - Join JollyBTC today

JollyBTC is a voluntary member-to-member mutual donations platform that allows you to turn a one-time donation of 0.015BTC into as much as 1361.71BTC on a monthly basis. It simply requires one-time donation of 0.015BTC. JollyBTC helps you with direct funding for your financial needs. With our step by step model you can reach financial freedom with ease. Our flexible, robust and easy-to-use system is designed to help you grow and attain your financial goal in no time. JollyBTC was born out of the frustrations experienced with two other similar systems. We looked critically at the current models and wanted to fix the issues that plagued those systems to create a system that would benefit our members. The shortcomings of the other two systems and the frustrations it caused to members as well as the admins of those programs necessitated a revolutionary rethink of the system that removes all those issues that keep people from benefiting from the system as they should. • No more waiting for confirmations. • No more waiting for transactions to be confirmed between banks and the delays with it. • No more submitting of proof of payments. • No more fake transactions and fake POPs.

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  • 16 April, 2017
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