Rs.300 joining binary Rs.250 daily 3pairs, topup ceiling above 50000

New Product base binary concept Joining Rs.3000/- Binary first pair 1:2 or 2:1= Rs.250 1:2 or 2:1 unlimited depth. Rs.2500/pair 3pairs / cuttoff above Rs.50000/- Ceiling/day magic income up to 1 lakh per day Every 3rd pair deduction. DAILY 1 cutoff 12 am to 11:59 pm Daily cut off and daily payout. Awards and Rewards 3 pairs : silver bracelet 50 pairs: Alappuzha tour 150 pairs: Goa tour 300 pairs: Malaysia tour 600 pairs: Bali island tourn 1000 pairs: Thailand tour 9585980866

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  • 17 September, 2019
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