Recharge Your Mobile Rs.100 Earn Rs10,000 Monthly

httpwww.visit.easyplan.infobusiness.php  httpvisit2earn.bizregister.php    WELCOME  TO   VISIT  2 EARN  BUSINESS       About  Mobile  Money E'WALLET     With a lifestyle that is becoming increasingly busy day by day,      consumers desire everything to be available  to them at their fingertips     with no dependency on anything or anyone. As mobile phones are     with everyone, more and more services are now being offered on these devices   . In keeping with this trend, digital wallet services add convenience to the lives of     by giving them the freedom of 24x7 transactions anywhere.     The market has already experienced a steep growth in digital wallet service    usage with a wide spectrum of  customers showing interest in the product.     In this scenario, India is uniquely positioned to benefit from mobile economy.    With more than 900 mn mobile subscribers growing at 14 year on year and nearly     40 population without banking access, digital wallet can be the enabler to spread      mainstream financial services to masses. In addition to that, with more than 3 Mn    affluent households, almost 30 Mn smartphone users and a growing disposable income,    India has a huge base of affluent people, ready to adopt digital wallet for  convenience    and versatility. As per various industry reports, India is expected to generate     Rs. 16 Bn revenue per  annum by 2015 through mobile transactions. EASY  PLAN  2  EARN  MONEY    INVEST Rs.100- EARN Rs.10,000MONTHLLY  Pay  Rs.100-  Get Member id Free website & Mobile Money E'wallet       MRP PLAN NEW RANK PRODUCT BENIFITS Rs.100- E&rsquoWALLET MEMBER MOBILE E&rsquoWALLET Rs.50MOBILE RECHARGE REFFER 3 MEMBERS V I P  MOBILE E&rsquoWALLET    Rs.100 -                                Rs.50 MAXIMUM   RECHARGE   FOR 1 MOBILE  IN CASE OF MULTIPALE ID's       Instant money transfer  WITHOUT VISITING A  Bank      P-2-P, NEFT, MPS,Viral -WITH ORDINARY MOBILE    Instant Bill Payment with out visiting to service provider, Electricity, Water, ETC.   You can also withdraw cash from our merchant points.   Topup Mobile & DTH Recharge         Forget Cash Payment   Do E'WALLET Payment              CASH 2 CLUB                                                     MONTHS TEAM NEW RANK INCOME WITHDRAW 1 3 MEMBER VIP MEMBER Rs.100 MINI.BAL Rs.100- 2 3 VIP MEMBERS SILVER Rs.300 Rs.300 3 3 SILVER&rsquoS GOLD Rs.500 Rs.800 4 3 GOLD&rsquoS  PLATINUM Rs.750 Rs.1,550 5 3 PERL&rsquoS RUBY Rs.1,000 Rs.2,550 6 3 RUBY&rsquoS SAPPIRE Rs.2,500 Rs.4,050 7 3 SAPPIRE EMRALD Rs.5,000 Rs.9,050 8 3 EMRALD G.M. Rs.10,000 Rs.19,050 9 3 G.M.&rsquoS Jr.C E O Rs.50,000 Rs.69,050 10 3 Jr.C.E.O.&rsquoS C.E.O. Rs.1,00,000 Rs.1,69,050 11 3 C.E.O.&rsquoS C.M.D. Rs.10 LACS Rs.11,69,050 12        3 C.M.D.&rsquoS DAIMOND     Rs.10,000 MONTHLY   Admin's  decision is final                                                                                                                             SINGLE  LINE  INCOME                  MEMBER  NOT QUALIFY 2 CLUB MEMBER                                LEVELS  MEMBERS ALLOTED PONITS WITHDRAW  1  1  Rs.33.4 0X 1 Rs.33.40    MINIMUM- BAL Rs.100-           2 1 Rs.33.40X 1 Rs. 33.40 Rs. 33.40 3 1 Rs.18.5 X 1 Rs. 18.50 Rs. 18.50 4 1 Rs.9.30 X 1 Rs.9.30 Rs.9.30 5 1 Rs.4.20 X 1 Rs.4.20 Rs.4.20 6 1 Rs.3.50 X 1 Rs.3.50 Rs.3.50 7 1 Rs.2.50 X 1 Rs.2.50 Rs.2.50 8 1 Rs.1.50 X 1 Rs.1.50 Rs.1.50 9 1 Rs.1.50 X 1 Rs.1.50 Rs.1.50 10 1 Rs.0.50 X 1 Rs.0.50 Rs.0.50 11 1 Rs.0.50 X 1 Rs.0.50 Rs.0.50   MEMBERS ARE ELIGIBALE FOR ANY 1 INCOME "CASH 2 CLUB" OR "SINGALE LINE INCOME"       WITHDRAW From 25th to 30th of Every month       Payment on 10th following next Month                                                                                                 EASY   MOBILE  MONEY  E'WALLETCOLLABORATION WITH UNOIN BANK OF INDIA1.                   What is Union Bank Money account?Union Bank Money UBM is an account on your mobile phone. You can load money on to your mobile account. Money once loaded gives you the freedom to make payments for various goods & services on-the-go by sending a simple SMS or using our mobile app.2.                   What payments can I make with Union Bank Money account?·         Money Transfer P2P, NEFT, IMPS, Viral for details please refer the FAQ section on money transfer·         Bill Payment Gas, Electricity, Water, Landline, Postpaid·         Topup Prepaid mobile, DTH·         Non Financial Transactions Balance, HistoryYou can also withdraw cash from your mobile account from any ATM or our merchant points.3.                   What is the minimum eligibility for opening a UBM account?·         Citizen of India·         18 years or above·         Does not already hold any Union Bank Money account·         Possesses valid Address and Identity proof4.                   What are the requirements for using the UBM account?·         Any working SIM prepaid postpaid any network·         Any mobile handset basic mobile will do. No need of GPRS·         User should know how to send SMS5.                   Can my Union Bank Money Account become invalid?In case no valid financial transaction load cash make payment is done in a period of 180 days, the account will be deemed inactive and blocked. APSIPL will forfeit any amount lying in such accounts.6.                   How do I register for a UBM account?Visit any of our retail merchant points with necessary KYC documents. You can find the nearest merchant by calling up our customer care number 9222233777.Soon you will be able to register online also and we will update the process accordingly.7.                   When would my account get fully activated?Once you fill and submit your customer form and the required documents to our agent, it is sent to Union Bank of India UBI, for approval. UBI ideally takes a week to process the customer form. You&rsquoll receive a confirmation SMS stating that the bank has approved. Until then you&rsquoll be able to use only mobile recharge and bill payment services. Once the KYC has been verified and approved, you&rsquoll be provided access to remaining product features like money transfer, cash withdrawal etc.8.                   What happens if I buy a new mobile or change my number?Your account is associated with your mobile number SIM and not with your mobile device. So changing your handset will not affect your account. However if you want to change your mobile number you have to fill a modification form with KYC document at the Agent store. Account will be activated with new number within next 7 working days post successful verification. Alternatively you can call our customer care at 9222233777 to update your number by successfully identifying yourself.9.                   How do I setup MPIN for the first time?You will receive an IVR call when you activate your account initially. During this IVR call you will be prompted to create your secret mPIN. Subsequently you can change this mPIN by sending SMS &ldquoCHGPIN&rdquo to 9686055555. Please do not disclose your mPIN to anyone. Keep it safe and change your mPIN frequently to prevent any misuse of your account. Your mPIN should not be disclosed to anyone, including alpha retailers. Our customer care will never ask you for your mPIN.10.               I have lost my ATM cardYou should immediately hotlist your ATM card, by calling our customer care 9222233777 and answering the authentication questions. However there is no need to panic as to operate the ATM card, the secret mPIN is required. Also you can get a new ATM card issued, after hot-listing the lost card, by visiting our nearest retail merchant.11.               What if any transaction fails? Will the amount transacted be lost?No, the money is not lost in a failed transaction. If the transaction fails and account balance is deducted, please allow 48 hrs for the fund recon to take place. This will happen automatically.Limits and charges1.                   What is the cost of opening a UBM account?The charges associated with opening a UBM account With ATM CARD Rs.500-     What are the transaction limits of UBM account? Velocity and Wallet Size for UBM Min Per Transaction Max Per Transaction Daily Limit Ac Balance in Mobile Wallet Nil 50000 - Money Transfer P2P 10 5000 25000 Money Transfer NEFT 250 5000 25000 Money Transfer VIRAL 100 10000 50000 Viral Cash Out NA 10000 20000 Pay Bills Pay Merchants IMPS 10 50000 NA Top UPS DTH Recharge 10 50000 NA ATM Merchant Withdrawal 100 10000 20000 Merchant Cash in Loading NA 5000 - 2.                   What are the charges associated with transactions done on UBM account? Transaction Fee Charged INR ATM Card Transaction 201st five transactions free in a month BC Cash Out 30 Taxes Mobile Top Up INR 1 for top up amount <49, otherwise FREE Bill Payment, DTH 10 Taxes Money Transfer 2 Taxes Viral Cash Out 50 Taxes Loading Cash in Wallet1.                   How do I reload my UBM account?You can load money to your UBM account in the following 2 ways currentlyo    Visit any of our retail points. The retailer will be happy to help you. Free of cost.o    IMPS funds to your UBM account by generating a MMID of your account. MMID can be generated by sending an SMS &ldquoMMID&rdquo to 9686055555 from your registered mobile number.2.                   How do I load cash in my UBM account using IMPS?In case you want to transfer funds from some account to your account using IMPS, you should know the MMID of your account. Same can be generated by sending an SMS &ldquoMMID&rdquo to 9686055555. Share this MMID and your mobile number to the person who will send you money via IMPS.3.                   How do I know that my UBM account has been reloaded successfully?You will receive an SMS alert within 60 seconds of money getting credited successfully in your account.4.                   How secure is reloading my account over internet?Our online financial transactions are served across a protected, 128-bit SSL connection that encrypts the data before it is sent to our servers. SSL ensures that any wrong-doer who may be listening in to your network traffic is not able to actually read the data being submitted to the form. Rest assured, we ensure the best in industry security specifications. Your money and transactions are fully secure.Utility Bill Payments1.                   What are different types of billers?·         Pay when a bill arrives Fixed Biller - It prompts you when bill is due and shows the amount and due date. You cannot modify the amount or pay unless this biller prompts for payment. E.g. &ndash Govt. Electricity Bill, MTNL, BSNL·         Pay a biller anytime Variable Billers &ndash You can pay a variable biller as per convenience irrespective of bill presentment date and bill amount. E.g. - charity, donation·         Both Hybrid Billers - This is presented as per Pay when a bill arrives mode but paid as per Pay a biller anytime mode. You have the option to choose amount to be paid either total or part of the bill before the payment due date. E.g. - Post Paid Mobile Bill- Airtel Vodafone.2.                   How do I add a biller?Call our customer care to add a new biller one time activity. They would be happy to help. Please call with following information·         Name of Biller·         State of the biller·         Nick name of biller·         Account Information A1·         Account Information A2·         Account Information A3·         Account Information A4Alternately biller can also be added by sending SMS Add Biller ADDBILLER Biller Nickname ADDBILLER Vodafone bangvoda 12345 1.101252 Registered Biller List BILLERS BILLERS Edit Biller EDITBILL ER EDITBILLER MYVODA MYVODAFONE Delete Biller DELBILLER ADDBILLER Vodafone bangvoda 12345 1.101252  

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