We feel pleasure to introduce our prestigious product Barshana&rsquos &ldquoRAGI SHAKTI&rdquo-BEST NATURAL TONIC PROVIDES STAMINA & ALL ROUND DEVELOPMENT FOR YOUR FAMILY.  CompositionBarshana&rsquos&ldquoRAGI SHAKTI&rdquo-is a Scientific combination of Germinated RAGI Powder, Wheat Germ, Corn Flake, Date Palm, Bengal gram, Green gram, Black gram, Red Lentils, Horse gram, Withania somnifera, Liquorice, Indian Gooseberry, Almond, Cardamoms, Pistachios, Cashew Nuts, Raisins, Cardamom & Skimmed Milk powder, etc.  HOW GERMINATION SPROUTING BENEFITS US It is rightly said that Germination & Sprouts are the Wonder Foods &ndash &ldquoPowerhouse of Nutrients&rdquo. Sprouts require less energy & time for digestion because of which they are called &ldquoLiving&rdquo foods. They rank the freshest and have in them all the constituent nutrients of fruits & vegetables. There is an amazing increase in nutrients in sprouted foods when compared to their dried embryo. Sprout provides Optimum Nutrition. They are alkaline, whole, pure, and natural foods. It is inexcusable that although we are aware of their miraculous healing effects, but we do not take full advantage of them.  In the process of sprouting, the vitamins, minerals and protein increases manifold with corresponding decrease in calories and carbohydrate content. Analysis of dried seeds, grains and legumes shows a very low water content. But this increases upto tenfold when the same food is converted into sprouts. Sprouts supply food in predigested form, which has already been acted upon by the enzymes and made to digest easily. During sprouting, much of the starch is broken down into simple sugars such as glucose and sucrose by the action of the enzyme &lsquoamylase&rsquo. Proteins are converted into amino acids and amides. Fats and oils are converted into more simple fatty acids by the action of the enzyme lipase. The amazing fact is that sprouts are a food which is the biggest storehouse of all nutrients. Sprouts are the best & most convenient source of complete nourishment.  BENEFITS Barshana&rsquos&ldquoRAGI SHAKTI&rdquo-is a Deliciously Formula-ted Natural Nutritional Food Supplement & Not a Medicine. RAGI SHAKTI&rdquo -is a Superb Natural Energy giving Food which is Scientifically prepared from 19 well known Natural ingredients. It is an Excellent Tonic, exceptionally Energy giving & offers full Nutritional support for whole family, starting from children, teenagers, Patients, Sr. Citizens, Pregnant & Lactating women due to its high nutritive value. &ldquoRAGI SHAKTI&rdquo is a blended combination of valuable Food Remedies found to be Richest Natural sources of Energy, Protein & Vitamins, provides optimum Nutritional support & extra energy for all & sportsman also. It helps in problems of weakness, fatigue, stress induced by chronic diseases & brings a New Hope, Self confidence, sense of well being & more enthusiasm to live a Healthy life. Withania Somnifera, Indian Gooseberry, Date added with germinated Nourishing grains & most nutrious body building Dry fruits, safe guards your family&rsquos health, strengthens your nerves & helps in growth & development of body. For complete details on the above, you may please visit www.nisha786111.webs.com & www.nisha786111. blogspot.com. Interested patients may like to contact Dr. Mrs S. Nisha Naturopath at 919861369473 7377239897 or email at sahadatunnisharediffgmail.com or nisha966 yahoo.in for getting more information on our abofesaid prestigious products. Directions for use 50 gms of Barshana&rsquos &ldquoRAGI SHAKTI&rdquo-to be mixed with some quantity of cool water or Skimmed milk, add sugar for sweetness, stir well & boil to make liquid paste form for consumption.Packing500gms. Pack.                                                                Note 1 All Rights Reserved No part of this product information should be reproduced in any form whatsoever without obtaining written Permission. 2This is not an advertisement, but information given for use by Regd. Medical Practitioner. Disclaimer The product information has been gathered from various sources from the web, books, research papers etc. These do not necessarily reflect our own views or research.