Probably the BEST company you have ever come across. Contact 9818565533, 9818075533

E-commerce in India has made a very quick progress in the last couple of years. So much so that it has already become a Rs. 46000 crore industry within India only and 300 billion globally. The use of internet for buying and selling has grown substantially and the online market place today is giving a good competition to the real world market place. With all this progress in e-commerce in India, it was the right time for a concept to come alive in India - The concept of an e-commerce comparison website or a deal aggregation website also called a deal search engine. Web portals on this concept were already running very successfully in many countries but India was lacking a portal like this.Please put your hands together for www.AllHitDeals.comThe idea behind this website is very simple. We wanted that a user who wants to buy something online does not need to visit many different websites to look for a good deal but should be able to find them at one place, on one website. For any deal featured at, the user does not have to worry about issues like price, quality, authenticity, delivery and warranty. is the first deal aggregation website of India and we aim at being one of the biggest web portals in India in the coming times. With the growth of e-commerce in India, this becomes a near future target instead of a long term oneNow, the success of any web portal is defined by one and only one parameter the number of regular users of that portal. This idea behind this portal had been conceived about two years ago and since then, we had been researching and working towards making this a reality. During this research, we thought about and refined many different strategies for taking our portals to the maximum number of people in minimum amount of time. After much research, we concluded that the best way in this world for your name to reach people is nothing but WORD OF MOUTH. It is a very surprising but a universal fact that a buyer may not consider or pay attention to a billboard costing 50 lac rupees a month or a TV ad campaign worth crores of rupees, but will definitely buy a product which his friend has even casually recommended.We decided to use this very power of word of mouth or reference instead of any other method for increasing our reach. We do this by sharing a part of our total earnings with you, our users for representing our brand. When we refer our users to different vendors to check out their exciting deals, the company earns profits in two major ways and some other minor ways·         The company earns a fixed amount from every vendor for every hundred visitors sent to their deal. The vendor pays this amount for the exposure their deal got through our portal.·         The company also earns a percentage of the sales generated through the referrals sent to a vendor's website. The percentage varies from vendor to vendor and product to product and is well documented in the affiliate program of the vendor. For example, the details of the affiliate program run by The biggest online book store of the world can be found here. Many vendors also have additional contract with us beyond their affiliate program.Also, there are some premium deals the ones that Pro VIP users see in their account daily which generate a higher click through and sales percentage income for the company.There are three ways in which we share our income with our users which have been mentioned below.Along with this, another major hurdle in our way to reach the maximum number of audience is a huge lack of awareness about Internet, e-commerce and their usage. To counter this challenge, the company decided to prepare a course aimed at a common man. The purpose of this course is to uplift a person from his current knowledge to a position where he starts using internet professionally and highly effectively. This course is named &ndash &ldquoInternet &ndash A Revolution&rdquo The key points covered in this course are·         Using internet quickly and effectively in daily life.·         Finding any global or local information on the internet efficiently and quickly.·         Keeping your computer protected against virus, malware, spyware, Trojan and other potentially harmful programs.·         Using dynamic navigation services like Google Maps etc. to find driving directions instantly.·         Advanced communication techniques like multi-point video conferencing to reduce your global travel and communication costs.·         Result oriented email marketing through newsletters and promotional media.·         Boosting your profits and online profile through blogs, social media and e-Marketing.·         Learning advanced internet topics like Internet Marketing, Online Revenue Generation, Web Analytics, Search Engine Optimization etc.·         Commercializing your website by participating in online revenue programs and creating a permanent income source for you.·         Taking your business online and designing your online business growth strategy.·         Finding new global customers for your business online.·         Web designing and building your own website using HTML and other languages.·         Learning internet etiquettes to garner a better identity online.·         Using e-commerce to your advantage for purposes like online bill deposition, ticket bookings, internet banking, online shopping etc.·         Using social media to your advantage using methods like viral marketing.·         Effective and professional e-mail communication.·         Internet security techniques for securing your online transactions and sensitive information. The best part of this course is that you don't need to go to a training center or anywhere outside your home to finish this course. One video lecture per week is delivered to your account itself. You can download this video lecture and watch it any number of times at your own comfort and speed. The complete course spans one year or 52 video lectures. Besides this, the company gives you the facility to get your very own domain name and professional website any time within this course. Using this website, you can put your knowledge to practice and start promoting your own business online.As mentioned above, here are the three ways in which you can get affiliated with us and start earning immediately. You can become either of a·         Free User·         Pro User·         Pro-VIP UserFree UsersFree users do not have to pay anything to You can become a free user simply by registering yourself at the portal here.Once you become a free user, you start receiving daily deals in your user account. You earn points for checking out the deals as well as referring your friends to the portal. Here is how many points you earn·         Deal Points - 0.25 to 2 points per deal view·         Affiliation Points - 5 points for first two referrals 1 point each for subsequent referralsPro UsersYou can become a pro user and get an online account by providing a UID serial and number. You can purchase this UID from the company or its authorised repesentatives for 1000- points. On becoming a Pro User, you earn points for·         Checking out the deals·         Affiliation points for people who affiliate with us as Pro VIP users on your recommendation·         Team points for people who affiliate with us as Pro VIP users anywhere in your whole group Both Groups A and BThe following is the benefit structure·         Deal Income - 0.25 to 2 points per deal view·         Affiliation Points - 1000 points per person who affiliates with us on your recommendation·         Team Points - 1200 points per VIP unit set of two anywhere in the whole group balanced 11 each in Group A and Group B Pro-VIP UsersPro users can become Pro-VIP users by providing a VIP-UID serial and number in their online account control panel. You can purchase this VIP-UID from the company or its authorized representatives for 14000- points. On becoming a Pro -VIP User, you earn points for·         Logging into your online account daily·         Checking out the deals·         Affiliation points for people who affiliate with us as Pro VIP users on your recommendation·         Team points for people who join as Pro VIP users anywhere in your whole group Both Groups A and BThe following is the benefit structure·         Daily Login Bonus - 50 points·         Deal Points - 9 to 15 points per deal view·         Affiliation Points - 1000 affiliation points per person who affiliates with us on your recommendation·         Team Points - 1200 points per VIP unit set of two anywhere in the whole group balanced 11 each in Group A and Group BThrough daily login bonus and deal points, you are assured of a fixed monthly income of Rs. 5000 approx. just by logging in and checking out the deals daily.Now that you understand the benefit structure, let me discuss some of the key points about the company·         Anything that you or any of your reference pays is totally liability free. This is because you instantly get a great life-changing course worth more than Rs. 50,000 and also an access to create your very own website. This ensures a greater amount of security and mental peace for you.·         Even if you don't wish to refer the product to even a single person, you still get a fixed income of Rs. 5000- per month approx.·         This is the first company in the field of deal aggregation in India and hence faces no competition today. We are bound to grow to one of the top web portals of India in a very short span of time.·         A very solid business plan and revenue model behind the company giving it a lot of strength and credibility.·         Unbeatable 24x7 sales and other support.·         Highly professional and experienced team running the company.For more information on this life-changing opportunity, Contact 9818565533, 9818075533. Remember, smallest actions sometimes make the biggest difference in life.

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